7 Spiritual Practices to Feel Empowered & Enlightened


The more often you turn inwards and connect with your inner spirit, your soul, your authentic being, the more you feel empowered in life. To be enlightened is to know yourself as a Spirit, to see the truth between ego and spirit, and to bring consciousness into your shadows. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Guide it is my purpose to support and guide my 1:1 clients and community members to create soul alignment and live in harmony with their Soul Truths. This process is about healing past and fresh pains, breaking away from past conditioning, releasing generational wounds, and uncovering the voice of their soul. I work specifically with empaths, people pleasers, sensitive souls and intuitives.

In the spiritual community it can often feel like there are many different practices, exercises, rituals and ceremonies you should be practicing. I want to remind you to always, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. You never want to force or pressure yourself into doing something that someone else told you to do. Spiritual practices and exercises are a tool to help you connect with the Universe and your Higher Self. The only way this connection can strengthen is if you feel aligned & supported in the process. 

In this blog I will be sharing 7 spiritual practices that will help you to feel empowered and enlightened. 

Before I jump into the list there is something important for you to understand. Empowerment and enlightenment aren’t something that is attained once and then you are good for life. They are feelings you experience through commitment and dedication to your spiritual journey. 

You may feel empowered today after your spiritual practice, and yet that feeling can easily dwindle away when you let your rituals slide and you lose your commitment to yourself. 

In order for you to feel empowered and enlightened on a regular basis your spiritual practice needs to happen on a regular basis, if not daily. 

You may find all 7 of these spiritual practices resonate with you or you may choose to only focus on one until it becomes habitual. 

Take a deep breath, feel your feet on the earth below you, and read through this list to see which spiritual practices resonate with you. 

#1 Cleansing Your Energetic Channel

As empaths, sensitive souls, intuitives and people pleasers we are constantly picking up on energy from our environment. More often than not we are becoming attached to the energy and emotions tied to these challenges and experiences. There are many ways for our energetic channels to become clogged and filled with resistant energy. 

There are different ways you can cleanse your energetic being, including using water. Here are a couple examples, drinking water with supportive affirmations to cleanse your energy; or taking a shower or bath and asking the water to wash your energetic being in order to cleanse and purify you.

You can also listen to chakra cleansing meditations to cleanse your channel. 

Cleansing your channel is a great daily practice to align you with your Higher Self. This is because you are picking up energy from your environment on a moment to moment basis that can easily lead you to misalignment. Learning energetic boundaries is something I support all of my 1:1 mentoring clients with, so they aren’t easily affected by their environment.

#2 Follow the Moon Cycle

The Moon is known as the Queen of Emotions and each phase easily influences your energy and emotions in different ways. When you choose to learn about each phase and flow through the cycle to honour your emotions & energy levels, you find more grace for your daily experiences. 

This is a great way to strengthen your connection with the Universe and to understand your own cyclical patterns. By understanding the Moon and its effect on you, you will be able to start implementing more supportive behaviours and habits through the 28 day cycle. 


Welcome to the next cycle of your life!

This is where you will pursue your heart & souls desire, and you will learn how to feel empowered along the way.

No matter what guided you to your awakening or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, this list of 15 tips you need to know will support you as you shift forward.

Free Mini Book!



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#3 Journaling 

The act of journaling is more than just writing about your daily experience. Journaling allows you to understand your own cycles, patterns, thoughts and behaviours that have been created from past pain, generational conditioning, or unconscious habits. 

Journaling can help you to release any thoughts or emotions that are weighing on you, and once you’ve released this energy then your Spirit can come through and share clarity and guidance. 

Your inner wisdom is powerful and can provide the right answers for you at the right time. Journaling can help you to tap into your inner wisdom. Check out The Guidebook for Alignment as it will up-level your journaling practice and your connection with your Spirit. 

#4 Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Your Spirit Guides are part of your Divine Team and are here to support and guide you through life. You have many different Spirit Guides to help you in many different aspects of your life. 

There is no right or wrong way to connect with your Spirit Guides. Simply start off by calling them in through prayer and asking for help. The more often you connect with them the more you learn about them and how they help you. The Spirit of Air Group Program is where I support my clients with strengthening their spiritual practice, so they can trust their intuition and decipher the spiritual messages they receive. (limited spaces available)

#5 Meditation

Daily meditation is the act of creating stillness in your mind and your body so you can connect to the energy that flows through you more easily. There are many different ways to meditate and the point is not to get good at meditating, it’s to have a daily devotion of creating stillness mentally in order to strengthen your awareness and shift your thoughts in a supportive direction. 

Meditation helps you understand that you are not your thoughts, you are the awareness that is listening to the thoughts. Meditation can be a tool that helps you understand who you are as a Spirit, it can help you strengthen your ability of channeling messages & deciphering the meaning, it can also help you feel connected with the Universe. 

Check out some of my free guided meditations on my YouTube Channel here

#6 Grounding Yourself

Your spiritual power lies in the present moment, and as humans it’s easy to get swept up in your thoughts about the past or the future. The act of grounding yourself is about bringing your energy and attention back to the present and becoming rooted in your soul truths. 

The key to grounding yourself is about becoming aware of when you’re lost in your mind, then bringing your focus to your breath and feeling your feet below you, grounded to the earth. By grounding yourself you shift your awareness back into creation mode and conscious choice. 

#7 Spending time in nature

There is so much noise in our world and we are constantly being impacted by the going ons of everyone else. This means we can easily be affected by fear, worry, and pain which triggers us to live from a disconnected and misaligned energy. 

Part of the process of connecting with your Spirit is about breaking away from the noise of the world and finding harmony and peace. Mother Earth and nature are in constant harmony and there are so many spiritual lessons you can learn from simply sitting with Mother Earth. Sit or walk amongst the trees, the birds, the wildlife, the rivers, oceans and mountains. Feel the energy that surrounds you and allow the living Spirit to bring great lessons, support and guidance to you. 

There are so many more spiritual practices you can use to feel empowered and enlightened on your journey, but remember the important part is commitment and daily devotion to your rituals. Being spiritual is more about being and feeling the energy than it is about doing and taking action. 

Move slowly, allow your intuition to lead you, and build a practice that feels good to you. 

Your transformation to feeling empowered, enlightened and peaceful doesn’t have to feel like a someday thing, or something that you aren’t capable of. When you make the right choice to take a step forward, your life can change for the better. 

The Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program is where you will transform from the exhausted & emotional people pleaser into the empowered & peaceful empath. 

Fill out an application now to take the first step in feeling empowered. 

Learn more about the 1:1 mentoring program here to see if it is the right step for you!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness