4 Worst Habits of Empaths


Empaths are people who are extremely sensitive to emotions and energy. They easily take on the energy and emotions of their surroundings which can lead to heightened highs and drastic lows. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Guide I work directly with people pleasers, empaths and sensitive souls who want to better understand their energy and emotions in order to feel empowered to live peacefully. 

In this blog I am going to share 4 of the worst habits that empaths can have in life. These habits can be detrimental to your emotional wellness, your mental health, and your spiritual connection. 

In order to be an empowered and peaceful empath you need to understand which habits, behaviours and patterns are keeping you in a negative vibration, which leads you to feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and exhausted on a regular basis. 

Before you continue reading this blog, you may be wondering how to know if you are an empath. Check out this blog where I share 5 signs you’re an empath.

Let’s get into which habits are the worst for all empaths.

Watching the News

Now, I understand that you want to be informed of the on-goings of the world and you like to stay up to date on your country. I’m not saying you have to stop watching the news altogether, I am saying you need to be conscious of the energy you are taking on with this habit. 

Creating boundaries to ensure you are observing and not absorbing the energy is really important. This is something I teach and guide all of my 1:1 mentoring clients with so they can feel empowered to prioritize their peace, even when surrounded by chaos. 

Why is watching the news bad?

Most of the things we see or hear on the news are fear inducing. The news reports on all the bad situations and problems in the world. When you are filling your mind with every single challenge, sad story, horrific problem, and negative perspective the news shares you are taking on all of this low vibrational energy. It triggers your own fears, worries and doubts and holds you in an emotional pattern of anger, frustration, resentment, disappointment and stress. 

You are quite literally taking on the energy and emotions of the world. It’s important to limit your news intake and to create new habits that help you to cleanse the energy so you aren’t carrying the fear with you throughout the rest of your day. Learning to cleanse your energy is something I work with all my 1:1 clients on. 


Welcome to the next cycle of your life!

This is where you will pursue your heart & souls desire, and you will learn how to feel empowered along the way.

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Social Media

Social media can trigger a lot of your self-perceptions through the ugly pattern of comparison. There can be a lot of good that comes from social media and it’s not all bad. However, on the flip side, as an empath you are opening yourself up to many different emotions and energies in a short period of time. 

Your insecurities and self-doubt can become bigger issues the more you find yourself comparing your life to the lives you witness on social media. 

Your need for external validation to feel worthy, loved, and understood can become amplified when you prioritize the engagement of your posts. 

You can become more disconnected from your Spirit when you try to follow someone else’s path because it seems they are succeeding, rather than listening to your own intuition and gut instincts. 

There are many different unsupportive patterns that can become enhanced through the use of social media as an empath. When you are taking in more content, your perception of yourself and life becomes skewed because you are taking on the emotions and energy of other people. You most likely don’t even realize how this energy is impacting your perspective, thoughts and opinions. 

When you understand your unsupportive patterns and triggers it becomes easier to guide yourself into alignment in order to feel connected to your Spirit. As an empath when you are taking on the energy and emotions of others through social media you become more disconnected from self. Prioritizing aligning with well-being and being connected with your Spirit is another way I guide all my 1:1 clients to feeling empowered to live a life that feels good to them. 

Gossip & Drama Focused Conversations

These types of conversations are rooted in judgment which is a low vibrational energy. Judgment can easily trigger ego thoughts of fear, worry and doubt. This all stems from a victim mindset or survival mode. 

The more often you are in conversations filled with gossip and drama, the more susceptible you are to the emotion of judgment, which creates disconnect and disempowering thoughts. Even if you are not partaking in these conversations you can still be absorbing the energy of them. 

It’s important, as an empath, to start acknowledging these conversations when they take place and kindly remove yourself from them. If your awareness comes after the conversation is over, it’s not a time to judge yourself and those who took part in the conversation. It’s a moment for reflection in order to strengthen your awareness for the next time. The moment you are aware of gossip or drama having infiltrated your energetic aura you need to take the time to release this energy and emotion so you aren’t carrying it throughout your day. 


Empaths are here to bring more uplifting energy into the world, more compassion and more light. We are sensitive to emotions and energies because we have the ability to transmute low vibrational energy and bring more high vibrational energy to the world. 

This means that most empaths who are living from an unhealed space filled with conditioned behaviours and habits are acting from people pleasing tendencies. These tendencies most often show up as two habits. 

1) Giving advice when it’s not invited

2) Trying to fix everyone’s problems

These tendencies and habits often take place because you can see when someone else is struggling and you want to take their pain away. There are many reasons why this is a problem, read about the best tips to stop being a people pleaser here

The problem with this habit is that you cannot transmute someone else’s energy and emotions, you can only release and transmute your own. Advising others and trying to fix problems is not helping the root cause of the low vibrational energy. More often than not, you end up absorbing the energy and become frustrated, bitter and angry about the issue at hand. 

All of these habits end up triggering your own emotional wounds and unsupportive patterns that lead you to feeling unworthy and exhausted. As an empath your greatest gift is your energy and your emotions, except if you are constantly absorbing the energy of your environment then you will forever feel exhausted in experiencing drastic emotional swings. 

I work directly with all my 1:1 mentoring clients so they can overcome these types of habits and live a life where they feel empowered, emotionally stable, and connected to their soul purpose. Fill out an application form now to see if you are the right fit for this program. 

Being sensitive is a gift, you simply need to understand your energy and create supportive habits in order to thrive rather than feel like you are just getting by. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness