What Are Mindset Blocks?


Your spiritual growth journey is about understanding where your energy is being limited so you can release this resistance and embody the limitless version of your Higher Self. All humans carry mindset blocks that are limited perspectives on life stopping you from thriving. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work with people pleasers, empaths and sensitive souls who desire to live with more peace. Many of my clients and community members have become exhausted and overwhelmed, repeating the same patterns and cycles; through working together they are able to feel empowered and uplifted as they grow and live with purpose.  

This blog will help you better understand mindset blocks and how your perspective and thought patterns create resistance around following your purpose and receiving your desires. In manifestation work the Law of Attraction states that what you think is what you attract back to you. This means that if you are carrying a mindset that is limiting or unsupportive your mind is actually blocking you from a life of peace and joy.

I will also share the 3 most common mindset blocks that empaths carry and how these blocks affect your life. Understanding mindset blocks is a great step on your growth journey because the more aware of these blocks you become the easier it is for you to shift this energy and change your beliefs.

What are mindset blocks?

Mindset blocks are when you carry a particular mindset around something that actually creates resistance in your life. A mindset usually stems from a belief system that you were taught to embody. This mindset goes against your Soul Truths, which is the wisdom your Soul innately carries. Your Soul Truths allow you to tap into the limitless energy you innately have access to as a Spirit. When you have a mindset block it creates resistance around the flow of limitless energy. 

Let’s get into a couple examples so you can better understand how these mindset blocks show up in your life. 

1 - Fear of the Dentist

I had a client who was terrified of the dentist. 

Her mindset block was that she would forever be afraid of the dentist. She began to identify with her fear and she was okay with being afraid of the dentist. This mindset limited her from being able to experience peace around the dentist because she learned to become comfortable in her fear. 

Everything in her mind created anxiety, stress, and overwhelm around the dentist and there was no way for her to see that it was possible to be free from this fear. Her mindset was quite literally blocking her from being able to release this fear. Through our work together she was able to heal the fear, shift her mindset and perspective, and learn to embody complete peace around the dentist. Now she has no fear around a trip to the dentist, which once caused so much anxiety she always cancelled her appointments or spent the entire visit in tears. Her experience now is filled with peace and calmness. 

2 - The Starving Artist

I had a client whose passion was in her artwork, yet she believed that she couldn’t be successful as an artist. 

Her mindset block was that all artists suffer financially and it wouldn’t be a prosperous path for her, even if it was part of her purpose. This mindset limited her from being able to create a successful business as an artist. 

She was always worried she wouldn’t get another client and she was anxious around asking for money for her artwork. Her mindset was quite literally blocking her from being able to easily receive more clients and gratefully accept payments for her work. Through our work together she has been able to uproot the subconscious beliefs holding her in a state of lack. The more she understands how her beliefs and thought patterns are rooted in lack she was able to shift out of this limited perspective. Now she can connect to her truth as a Spirit, which is energetic abundance and the limitless opportunities that are always finding her. When worry tries to pull her back into the old mindset block, she can release this energy and tap back into her Soul Truth of trust and abundance. This path has allowed her to live with more peace in accepting new clients and appreciating the financial abundance received through her artwork. 

When you carry a mindset block it means that you are holding onto thoughts that create resistance, stress, overwhelm, worry, doubt and fear in your life. The energy you embody with this mindset block is unsupportive and limiting. You have the power to release your mindset blocks, tap into the limitless energy available to you and create more supportive thought patterns that encourage your growth.


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Understanding Your Triggers: How To Live A More Peaceful Life

It’s time to understand your energy and emotions as an empath!


  • Lesson on energy and how as an empath you become affected by your environment

  • Breakdown to understand your triggers, what this means & how to overcome them

  • Tips & strategies to support you today in living more peacefully

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.



Back to the blog - What Are Mindset Blocks?

What are generational beliefs?

Generational beliefs are belief systems that were passed onto you from the generations that came before you. As humans our ancestors have passed on their DNA to us, and this can include their belief systems, their trauma, and their mindset blocks. 

You become conditioned by your environment as a child and you are taught to carry these generational beliefs simply because it’s what everyone in your family has always chosen to believe. Sometimes these generational beliefs are unsupportive and limiting. 

These different belief systems can become the root to the mindset blocks you carry. For instance, my client who had the mindset block of the starving artist. She was taught by her grandparents that there is never enough money. She grew up watching her dad in the agriculture business and her family struggled with money for many years. These beliefs were passed onto her from the generations before her, which helped to structure her belief system around money and lack. This strengthened her mindset block around being an artist and financially struggling. 

When you become aware of where your beliefs come from it becomes easier to let go of these outdated, unsupportive beliefs and release the mindset block. 

How can you shift your perspective?

Shifting your perspective is the act of choosing to release your mindset block and find a belief that is empowering, supportive and allows you to embody a limitless mindset. 

There are a few different strategies involved in shifting your perspective and it starts with acknowledging that your current perspective is limiting. Then you need to begin to open yourself up to new perspectives, whether it’s through conversation with other people, reading personal development books or joining a spiritual community that can help broaden your current perspective. Once you begin to learn new perspectives you get to decide which ones resonate with you, which ones align with your core values, and which perspectives you want to start to embody. The process of shifting your perspective takes patience and practice because you are changing your subconscious belief system that has controlled your mindset blocks for many years. 

How are your emotions tied to your mindset blocks?

The most important part of shifting your perspective and releasing your mindset blocks is understanding how your emotions are tied to your mindset. Fear is usually the driving force behind many of your beliefs and this is because as a society we are taught to be afraid of many things. Without even realizing it your entire belief system can be rooted in fear. 

Your thought patterns can trigger different emotions within you, and when your emotions are triggered by your environment they can influence your thought patterns which pulls at your mindset blocks. Your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and actions are all tied together in a web. In order to release your limiting mindset you need to more clearly understand your emotions, your fears and how they are impacting your thought patterns. 

My key advice is don’t avoid your emotions because they are often guiding you to see where you are either holding onto resistance, or where you need to create healing. 

3 Common Mindset Blocks Empaths Carry

Now that you have a better understanding of what mindset blocks are, how generational beliefs impact you, and what it means to shift your perspective, let’s look at 3 common mindset blocks that empaths carry. 

Peace will come after I finish this

The hustle mentality is real in our society. We were bred to go go go and to constantly focus on doing and taking action. As an empath you need to understand your energy and master your emotions. When you avoid feeling your emotions and understanding your energy, you will forever be negatively influenced by the fear, worry and stress in the world around you. So many of you carry the mindset block that you’ll experience peace once you are finished with the to-do list or the tasks of the day. You are blocking yourself from experiencing peace right now. Peace is a feeling, it's not an end result. You can learn to embody peace even when there are tasks that still need to be accomplished. This mindset block is limiting the amount of peace you can experience in life.

I need to help them 

So many empaths are taught to be people pleasers from a young age. This is because you are easily affected by the emotions of the people around you and you feel a strong desire to help everyone. When someone is struggling your mindset quickly shifts to needing to help them because it’s a great way to avoid your own struggles. Your mindset block is that once you help someone else you’ll be able to experience happiness and joy. You may even tell yourself that helping others actually makes you happy. This can be true in a way, but if you aren’t helping yourself then no amount of helping others will fulfill you. This mindset block is causing you to people please and have no boundaries to protect yourself which is extremely limiting.

Their emotional reaction means I am in the wrong

Your empathic ways have become so strong that as soon as someone has a negative emotional reaction, you take their pain as a sign that you did something wrong. This means that you are not comfortable when there is emotional imbalance in your environment. As an empath you have an open and inviting aura and a compassionate heart. This means you easily feel the pains and fears of the world. Your mindset block is attached to the emotional reaction of those around you. This belief is extremely limiting because more often than not, you are not in the wrong for someone else’s emotions, yet you are taking on their pain and owning it as your own. 

Understanding mindset blocks, generational beliefs, perspective shifts, and how your emotions can be influenced by your environment and your thoughts are important lessons for your growth journey. As an empath the most important thing you can do is master your energy, understand your thought patterns, and learn key strategies to shift your beliefs. These three aspects of your growth journey are what will allow you to experience more peace on a daily basis. 

If you know you are ready to learn these lessons and live with more peace in your life then check out my Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program

This is the space for the exhausted and overwhelmed empath who desires to feel empowered and live more peacefully. I will support you each step of the way on your growth journey. Learn more at the link below or fill out and application form to see if you are the right fit for the program. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness