3 Shifts from Self-Doubt to Self-Trust for Empaths


Around the world empaths are waking up and acknowledging the self-doubt they carry is actually blocking them from pursuing their desires. As your emotions become heavy and you feel further away from your true authentic self it’s time for you to shift from self-doubt to self-trust. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide my mission is to support other empaths and people pleasers in overcoming emotional exhaustion so they can feel empowered on their soul path. Most of the clients I work with have felt disconnected from their true selves, their inner light, and this has caused a lot of doubt, insecurities and self-judgment in their lives. After working together they are able to feel connected, grounded and centered to their authentic self; and they feel uplifted, empowered, and peaceful as they continue each step of the way on their soul path.

This blog is for the empaths and the people pleasers who often experience self-doubt, self-judgment, and low self esteem. You are here because you are tired of feeling down on yourself, you know you were made for more and you want to shine your beautiful light into the world to help others. You feel like you can’t be the light in the world because you are constantly filled with doubt, overwhelm and heavy emotions that lead you to feeling stressed, pressured and filled with worry. 

You know as an empath that your love and compassion you share with others is a gift, and you want to be able to trust yourself as you share your light and follow your soul path. When you release the self-doubt your life will be filled with more peace and joy, and most importantly, trust in yourself. 

In this blog I will share 3 shifts you can start working on today in order to go from self-doubt to self-trust as an empath. 

The Way You Talk to Yourself Matters

The first thing that you can start to pay attention to is how your thoughts are focused on judging you, criticizing you, and guilting you. Often we don’t even realize how we are holding ourselves in a pattern of self-doubt because of the thoughts we think, or the way we talk to ourselves. 

You were actually taught, by society, to doubt yourself, which is often where the thoughts of self-judgment and criticism come from. There are many different reasons why this pattern of thoughts have become instilled in your mind and your belief system, and finding the root of this issue to create emotional healing is one of the many ways I support my clients to overcome self-doubt and truly embody self-trust. 

On your journey you can start by actually changing your self-talk into a more supportive, compassionate and nurturing conversation. This means that the thoughts you think can be changed by the way you consciously choose to think about yourself. It requires you to actively change the words you use. If you hear your mind saying “you’re not good enough, you are always making mistakes, you’re never going to achieve that”, etc. then you can start to change these thoughts into, “you are trying your best, it’s okay to make a mistake as long as you learn from it, you are tired and it’s okay to feel tired, you’ll try again tomorrow, you can achieve whatever you want as long as you keep moving forward one step at a time”

Learning to trust yourself is not about making the biggest decisions, it’s about the way you communicate with yourself. A good line of communication is what builds trust. The way you talk to yourself is how you can shift from self-doubt to self-trust.


A free 60 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Understanding Your Triggers: How To Live A More Peaceful Life

It’s time to understand your energy and emotions as an empath!


  • Lesson on energy and how as an empath you become affected by your environment

  • Breakdown to understand your triggers, what this means & how to overcome them

  • Tips & strategies to support you today in living more peacefully

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.



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Perceiving Yourself through the Lens of Fear

One of the main reasons why you doubt yourself is because of the fear that has been instilled in your mind. Many of us empaths experience different fears in our lives, and these fears end up controlling our experiences in life. 

For myself, I carried the fear of judgment and rejection for many years in my life. This meant that I ended up perceiving myself through the lens of this fear. I was so worried that other people were judging who I was that I ended up judging myself without even realizing that was what I was doing. I changed who I was and how I acted around certain people because I was so afraid of them judging me. This meant that I was judging my true authentic self because I didn’t believe I was worthy enough to be friends with these people. 

I worked with a client that experienced the fear of abandonment her entire life. This meant that she showed up in her relationships always walking on eggshells, trying to keep everyone else comfortable, and not sharing her light fully because she perceived herself through the fear of everyone abandoning her. 

When you perceive yourself through the lens of your fear the insecurities you have and the self-doubt you embody becomes your main experience in life. This is because the energy of fear attracts more low vibrational energy, like doubt, judgment, pressure, worry and stress.

What is the opposite of perceiving yourself through the lens of fear? Perceiving yourself through the lens of love. It’s important to acknowledge your fears and how they have been controlling your life experience. When you are able to look deeper into your fears you can begin to understand how your actions, thoughts, belief systems and emotions are all affected by those fears. Finding the root of these unsupportive patterns is how you can begin to shift your energy from self-doubt to self-trust. 

Fear says I am not worthy as I am. This is how doubt strengthens.

Love says I am more than enough right now. This is how trust strengthens.

Needing External Approval to Gaining Self-Approval

Did you grow up hearing the words “good girl” or “good boy” whenever you did something right? Did you receive validation for getting good grades, helping someone else, or even being kind to others? 

The empaths of the world become people pleasers at a young age because we are taught to seek validation for our actions. We end up being raised in an environment where we receive approval for who we are when we do something “correct”. This isn’t wrong or bad, but it means that you’ve tied your identity of being a “good person” to how other people perceive you.

The problem with this is that you easily doubt yourself, criticize yourself and judge yourself until someone else tells you that you are indeed doing the “right” thing. You need external approval and validation to know whether or not you are on the right path, taking action in the right way, or being a good person. You don’t trust yourself, you more easily trust the advice and opinions of other people. 

As an adult, it’s your job to reprogram yourself into being able to gain self-approval rather than constantly needing external approval to feel good. You can’t expect to receive a “job well done” for every action you take or decision you make in life. You can uplift yourself and experience satisfaction by acknowledging your own actions and choices by saying to yourself, “I’m really happy with what I’ve accomplished today”

Rather than waiting for someone else to tell you “good job”, why can’t you acknowledge the work you’ve put in yourself? Self approval isn’t saying, “I’m the best person in the world”. Self approval is saying, “I’m doing the best I can and I’m actively being the best me I can be”

There are many different reasons as to why you currently embody self-doubt and the energy behind these insecurities is keeping you playing small. You deserve to stand tall, own your unique gifts and fully share your authentic self with the world. Self-trust is the pathway to begin to embody your Higher Self and live a fulfilling life. 

These three shifts are a great insight into how you are embodying self-doubt and what is needed in order to begin creating more self-trust in your life.

Understanding your emotions, your energy, your thoughts and your habits is how you can create subtle shifts in your life to start feeling more empowered and peaceful with who you are and how you live. 

This is exactly the type of work I support and guide my clients through inside the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring Program. You deserve to trust yourself and live with more self-love, finally saying goodbye to the self-doubt that has clouded your vision for so many years. 

Fill out an application today to take the first step in living authentically you!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness