The Hardest Step In Your Spiritual Awakening | Life Lesson


When you think of a spiritual awakening often people see manifesting their dream life, ease and peace of mind. When people experience a spiritual awakening they feel immense resistance, emotional pain, and a purpose calling them to create significant change in their lives. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I had my own spiritual awakening over 5 years ago and it was an extremely challenging moment in my life. The beauty of having a spiritual awakening is the power you gain in recognizing you are a co-creator of your life. I work with empaths, people pleasers, sensitive souls and intuitive beings who are ready to break away from the pressure, stress, overwhelm and exhaustion that keeps them feeling small & unworthy. 

Recently I had a conversation with a client about the hardest step in your spiritual awakening and what this means for your spiritual journey. So many of you around the world have a fear of change, a fear of the unknown, a fear of judgment, and a fear of failure. These different fears keep you living small from a lesser version of you because the fear is controlling the choices you make in life. 

No one wants to say yes to something when their fear is giving them 100 reasons why they shouldn’t say yes. 

How do you learn to say yes when you know it’s where your intuition is leading you?

How do you commit to trusting in that yes when you know this direction is calling on your heart & soul?

These are some questions we all need to work through in our own spiritual journeys in order to manifest our dream life, find the ease we are searching for, and live with peace of mind. 

In this blog I am sharing with you the life lesson I have learned and many of my clients have learned when it comes to the hardest step in your spiritual awakening. 

What is the hardest step in your spiritual awakening & journey?

Acknowledging your emotions and thoughts. 

Seems simple, and it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. 

Why is this the hardest step of your spiritual awakening?

Because often your emotions and thoughts are showing you that you need to make a change in your life. 

This is the reason why as humans we have leaned into the tendency of ignoring, avoiding and denying how we feel or what our thoughts are saying. 

Have you ever heard of toxic positivity?

It’s the concept that you “need” to stay positive all the time so you end up disregarding the heavy emotions or challenging thoughts you have. 

When you avoid, deny and ignore these heavy and harsh emotions and thoughts, the energetic vibration of that heaviness stays stagnant in your energetic aura. This causes resistance to the natural stream of energy that wants to flow through you and your life. When you are holding onto that resistant energy your belief system, thought patterns, and behaviours mirror the resistance that is within you. This means you end up creating unsupportive thoughts and holding onto outdated and limiting belief systems. 

By acknowledging your emotions and thoughts you are admitting to yourself that there is something within you that is holding onto resistance. By looking at this resistance you can more easily release and cleanse the energy. When you do this you create space for uplifting and supportive energy to flow in, which is the basis of manifesting your desires, living with ease, and having peace of mind.


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Back to the blog - The Hardest Step In Your Spiritual Awakening

Let me share a personal example so you can more clearly understand how this relates to your own life. 

For several months I had been feeling a lot of heaviness around my workplace. I could see there was a desire within me to dream big and I saw my future as something completely different than what my present reality looked like. The Universe continued to lead me into situations that were trying to urge me to create a change, except I was resistant to the change and I ignored these signs. 

I had bad interactions with my bosses, I had overwhelming thoughts that led me into emotional breakdowns, and for some reason I kept pushing it all to the side to try and stay positive. 

There is a time to stay positive and there is a time where you need to recognize you are ignoring the clear signs from the Universe. 

I would feel the heaviness of my emotions, and the terrible thoughts that I didn’t like what my life had become. Then I would push them to the side, put my big girl pants on and keep going with my head down. 

After a literal mental and emotional breakdown I finally acknowledge what was going on within me. I said to myself “I don’t like the emotions I have been experiencing and I don’t like the thoughts that have been circulating through my mind. I need to make a change.” 

Actually taking a moment to acknowledge the heaviness I had been experiencing was the hardest moment of my entire life. It was the hardest because in looking at the truth which stood before my eyes, I realized I needed to make a change and do things differently. 

I ended up walking away from my job and the life I had created in search of something that had more purpose, something that lit me up, something that allowed for true peace of mind. So began my healing journey. 

I ignored the soul truth that was trying to awaken within me for nearly 5 months. Things kept getting worse and worse and worse until I finally acknowledged how I felt and the fact that I wanted to make a change for the better. 

Have I experienced hard moments since? Yes, but nothing compares to that first moment. Also, in each hard moment I’ve experienced since, things got better once I acknowledged how I felt or the thoughts that were flowing through my mind. 

This isn’t a one time experience. It’s a daily choice to acknowledge how I feel and the thoughts that move through me. In this process I’ve been able to release the resistance I’ve carried for so long. In this acknowledgement I more clearly hear the voice of my soul and am able to feel guided by the Universe. 

Peace of mind comes from the act of carrying grace for myself through the hard moments. 

What can YOU do to feel supported through the hard moments in your spiritual awakening?

I want to share some tips with you for your spiritual journey and how you can shift forward with more ease and grace. 

Emotional Wellness Tip

The first thing is that you are meant to feel your emotions. For some reason we were taught that expressing emotions and being sensitive is bad, when it’s actually not at all. We simply need to learn a healthy way to express our emotions. 

Whenever you feel a heavy emotion come forward within you, make the choice to sit with yourself in that moment and comfort yourself. Imagine your emotional reaction comes from your inner child who is terrified. Your inner child isn’t looking for all the answers right now, they simply want to feel comforted, supported and nurtured. Allow yourself to sit with your inner child when your emotions come forward and offer the nurturing comfort you need in that moment. 

Mental Wellness Tip

The next thing you need to know is that your mindset will never change unless you decide to change it. This means that if you are always recognizing what’s going wrong in your life, you’ll never see what’s going right until you choose to change your focus. 

The thoughts in your mind are showing you where you carry resistance. Whether the resistance comes from limiting beliefs you were taught to carry or thought patterns built off emotional pain from your past, there is wisdom in the process of listening to what goes on in your mind. 

Whenever you acknowledge a cycle of thoughts that limits you, feels heavy, or you want to change, grab your journal and write it all out. In order to truly change your thought pattern you need to know where the thoughts stem from. The more you journal about these heavy, unsupportive and limiting thoughts, the more you’ll begin to understand where the resistance comes from within. 

You’ve already done the hard part, and that is acknowledging your emotions and thoughts. Now that you’ve acknowledged the heaviness you feel, you can guide yourself to the clarity you are looking for. 

After my client acknowledged the emotions she had been ignoring for decades she was able to stand in her light and make the most empowering decision she ever has. She found an ease in making that decision because she finally felt supported from the Universe and supported from herself. 

Ignorance is not bliss, because you are holding onto all the limitations that are keeping you stuck in the same cycle over and over again. 

Acknowledgment is where your peace stems from, because you are admitting to the heaviness you no longer wish to carry with you. 

Your spiritual awakening is a journey and you have awakened because as a Spirit you know you deserve better and you were made for something more! 

Keep going on your journey, because you are the light that is begging to shine through. 

You can learn more about how to support yourself in building awareness through The Guidebook for Alignment. This is an ebook filled with lessons and journal prompts to support your healing journey. 

You can take your healing and growth to the next level by working with a spiritual mentor. This is where you receive all the support and guidance you need to shift from emotionally overwhelmed to peaceful while feeling empowered to pursue your purpose and dreams. 

Work with me inside my 1:1 mentoring program. Learn more below and fill out an application to see if you are the right fit for the program!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness