4 Tips to Manifest Your Dreams as an Empath


Manifesting is not only about how you feel when you think about your desires. You are manifesting in every single moment of your life. It comes down to whether you are creating a supportive environment for your desires to flow in or you are setting up energetic blocks of resistance that stop the flow of your manifestations. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide all of the clients I work with desire something that they don’t currently have. Whether they want to feel free in life, they desire stability, maybe they are calling in love or something else entirely, there is something they don’t currently have that they wish to. In the work I guide and support my clients through, we focus on the energy they embody on a daily basis as the path of their desires.

In this blog you will learn the 4 key tips to manifest your dreams as an empath. The reason why these tips are directed towards an empath's journey of manifestation is because as an empath myself, I understand the effects we experience in life by being able to feel the emotion and energy of our surroundings.  

As I already mentioned, your manifestation journey is not only about how you feel when you are thinking about your desires, it’s actually about the energy you carry on a moment to moment basis. Manifesting is about aligning with the energetic frequency of your desires. Everything is energy and when you begin to acknowledge the way you feel on a daily basis, you start to understand how your energetic vibration affects your experience through life.

These four tips are going to give you a better understanding of how you can embody the energy that is aligned with your desires, which in turn allows you to manifest your dreams as an empath.

Learning to transmute your energy/emotions

As an empath you easily take on the energy of someone else’s emotions because you feel for them and it’s in your nature to try and understand their experience. There is an energetic transfer that takes place if you aren’t careful or haven’t protected your energy. This means that you walk away from the situation feeling the hurt, pain, anger, stress or frustration of the other person. 

When you’ve taken on the low vibrational energy from another person it can infect the rest of your day. Your thoughts of worry, doubt and frustration become triggered by the energy you are carrying which means you are manifesting from a low vibrational state. Learning how to transmute your energy and emotions means you are able to acknowledge when you’ve been influenced by someone else’s low vibrational energy, and you choose to cleanse this energy from your being so as not to be affected by it in the long run. 

Whatever energy you are carrying throughout the day is impacting your ability to manifest your dreams. Transmuting the energy you are carrying is about being able to shift from a low vibration into a higher vibration this way you can lead yourself from an uplifted state. 

Don’t carry someone else’s pain as a badge of honour because it’s causing you to block your manifestations from coming true. Learning to transmute pain into love and fear into faith is how you shift your energetic vibration and become a magnet for your manifestations.


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Building awareness around your unsupportive thought patterns

Your thoughts are 90% repetitive from one day to the next and they are often triggered subconsciously. These thoughts can stem from past pain you’ve experienced, unsupportive belief systems you’ve been taught, and fears or insecurities you carry. The energetic vibration of these unsupportive thought patterns keep you in a cycle of resisting your manifestations. 

In order to create a nurturing environment for yourself, and in turn for your manifestations to flow into your life, you need to build awareness around your unsupportive thought patterns. The more aware you become when your mind is filled with worry, doubt and fear, the quicker you are able to shift your thoughts and find peace. 

Connecting to your divine frequency

This tip will completely change your life and your ability to manifest. Every single one of us has a divine frequency of energy that we can vibrate at naturally when we pursue a life from our heart and soul. Think about something you are passionate about, whether it’s a hobby, an activity, volunteer work or even your career. When you are completely present while pursuing that passion how do you feel? This is a tell tale sign of what your divine frequency feels like to you. 

You could also think about when you are surrounded by people you love and you are enjoying a moment of laughter and connection. How does it feel for you? By learning what it feels like to be in your divine frequency and beginning to prioritize the experiences you feel this energy you are cultivating a supportive environment for your manifestations to flow in. 

Connecting to your divine frequency is the quickest way to receive your desires and manifest your dreams. In this energy you aren’t even thinking about your desires or what you are trying to manifest. You are simply present, enjoying life, feeling fulfilled, at peace and completely free. This energy is the most magnetizing energy you can embody, as all of your desires vibrate at the same frequency as your divine frequency. It’s only a matter of divine timing for your manifestations to find you, as you are in full alignment with them.

Shifting Your Perspective from Lack to Abundance

The most important tip in order to manifest your dreams as an empath is about shifting your perspective from lack to abundance. Most often in life when we are blocking our manifestations from coming true it’s because we don’t actually believe in the possibility of them. The reason we don’t believe in the possibility is because our perspective on life is closely tied to the concept of lack. 

When you don’t have something you most likely believe you are lacking it in your life. When you are holding onto the perspective of lacking something you are directly blocking it from entering your life. How can we believe in abundance when our physical reality clearly shows the lack? You need to learn to be able to shift your perspective even when you cannot see the desire in your life. 

There are many different ways you can shift your perspective from lack to abundance, but at the root of this shift it’s about believing in the possibility of more. Your future is not defined by your past, so even if you weren’t able to achieve something previously it does not mean that you’ll never be able to achieve it. This perspective right here proves that what you see is not the only truth.

Energy is abundant, meaning there is never a lack of energy. Whether you feel a high vibe or low vibe, there is still energy. Abundance naturally vibrates at a high frequency because it allows the continued creation of more energy. How do you shift your perspective from lack to abundance? You start to acknowledge all the abundance that currently surrounds you in life. Even if you are manifesting financial abundance, when you appreciate the abundance of love and joy in your life you are vibrating on the same frequency as financial abundance. This is because abundance is abundance, so when you feel abundant in one high vibrational energy you are able to manifest more abundance in other high vibrational energies. 

When I moved through a season of financial lack in my life it took me a long time to break free and begin manifesting abundance. This is because I held onto the perspective of lack and I began to identify as someone who struggles financially. I literally tied myself energetically to my perspective of lack. 

One of the shifts in beliefs that helped me to overcome this position of lack was understanding the ebbs and flows to life. The Universal Law of Rhythm states that life has cycles, phases and patterns of development. Each cycle includes the ebbs and flow of life, and change is always around the corner. It was important that I was able to acknowledge that the “lack” I felt was not a lack in energy, it was simply an ebb in that season of life. In order to shift my perspective into abundance I needed to recognize that change was around the corner as long as I chose to flow into the next season. 

I shifted the energy I embodied from a low vibration of believing in lack into a high vibration of trusting my divine frequency and appreciating the abundance that already surrounded me. This is exactly how I am able to manifest my dreams on the regular. 

Takeaway: changing the way you feel will change how things turn out

The takeaway that you can carry with you on your pursuit of manifesting your dreams as an empath is that when you change the way you feel it will change how things turn out for you. The energy you choose to embody on a daily basis is either supporting your manifestations or it is blocking your manifestations. 

These 4 tips will support you in the process of changing the way you feel on a daily basis so you can embody the energy of your manifestations. 

In order to become a master of your energy and lead yourself from a peaceful and empowered space you need to be willing to embark on the journey of self discovery. In the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program I will guide and support you in the process of understanding your energy in order to leave behind the life of exhaustion and emotional overwhelm.

It’s time to embody your higher self and live a life of freedom. Check out the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program to see if you are the right fit for this powerful transformation. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness