Energy Forecast for February 2023 | Awareness to Shift Your Patterns


You have the ability to create whatever you desire. It’s the patterns you’ve been taught to carry that limit you on your journey of creation. Do you know where your fear lies? Can you see how you are gripping onto control? The Universe has been asking you to wake up to the changes that are necessary to create your desires. How are you being held back?

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide my passion is to simplify spiritual connection so other empaths, sensitive souls and intuitive-beings can master their energy and trust the voice of their soul. The monthly energy forecasts are where I tap into the Universal Energy and channel the messages for the collective from my Divine Team of Spirit Guides. These energy forecasts will support and guide you in being able to live with more ease and grace as you follow your soul path.

A new month means new energy, new insights, and new shifts. As the January 2023 Energy Forecast shared the energetic theme of the year, you will notice every month the energetic theme is all about encouraging you to gain spiritual awareness and broaden your perspective on life and yourself. 

February you are being encouraged to leave old patterns behind and build awareness around how the Universe is guiding you. If you are unable to create change then you will wake up in a year's time in the same place as today. 5 years will pass, 10 years, even 20 years will pass, and you will have lived the same patterns, the same cycles over and over again. Unless you decide to find some courage and begin creating small changes in your everyday life.

Wednesday February 1st to Sunday February 5th

Full Moon Sun. Feb 5th

As the month begins in the middle of the week, just after the First Quarter Moon, you will notice yourself finishing up old projects and tying up loose ends. Wednesday February 1st to Friday February 3rd won’t feel like the fresh energy you expect the month to carry. 

Wait for the Full Moon in Leo on Sunday February 5th to catapult you into courageous change. You will notice a shift in Universal Energy over this weekend leading you into the next week of February. 

Here are some energetic shifts you may experience:

  • A lot of drama and upheaval in relationships or with people you’ve already noticed an overwhelming and challenging pattern with. The experiences you have with these people are giving you more information about the unsupportive patterns in your life that are requiring change. 

  • The feeling of lack and a heavy dose of fear pulling you into old outdated thought patterns. The energy you experience is the Universe encouraging you to see the limitations you carry in your mind to give further proof of the supportive changes you are needing to make. 

  • A culmination of everything lining up to give you clarity on the path that is calling on your heart and soul. You’ve been courageous through the last few months trying to create real change for yourself and the Universe is giving you clear signs to keep following that courage as you create a new world, a new life, a new supportive pattern for yourself. 

This potent Full Moon energy can either lead you deeper into the unsupportive, outdated patterns you’ve been experiencing for the majority of your life or as you build awareness around these old patterns you can choose to be courageous and create a new path.  

Monday February 6th to Sunday February 12th

Waning Gibbous Moon Phase

The first full week of February is reminding you of the power of reflection. The Moon is influencing your energy and emotions asking you to slow down and turn inwards. You cannot create growth, you cannot achieve your desires, you cannot heal old patterns without reflection. 

Self awareness comes from the ability to self reflect. 

As the Moon begins to get smaller in size you will notice your energy levels begin to drop this week. Not drop to become a lower vibration, you simply won’t have the same stamina to get up and go hard like the last couple weeks of January. 

Most of your old patterns would create doubt, self judgment and self criticism around your energy. This is a chance for you to do things differently and to create a new pattern filled with self-love, support and compassion. 

3 things for you to journal on this week to carry more grace for yourself:

  • In the past, what were your judgmental thought patterns around slowing down?

  • What would you believe your Higher Self would say to you right now to offer you compassion?

  • What lessons are you wanting to focus on in life that you feel like you haven’t mastered yet?

Taking time to reflect is how you better understand yourself. When you better understand yourself it becomes easier for you to ditch the old unsupportive patterns and encourage yourself to create your desires. Awareness is the power of your spirit.


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You feel energy, you receive signs, you know the universe is speaking to you, yet you don’t always understand it. 

You know you were meant for more and you’ve always felt different. You are ready to fully embrace your spiritual self and become the light-worker you are here to be!

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Back to the Monthly Energy Forecast for FEBRUARY 2023

Monday February 13th to Sunday February 19th

Third Quarter Phase Mon. Feb 13th

Your desires are not created through action. Yes, action is important, but your desires become your reality through the energy you choose to consciously embody. Do you know the statement output equals input? It’s not action oriented output that creates input, it’s actually your energetic output. 

This entire year is all about understanding yourself better, creating a supportive environment for yourself, and recognizing that it’s okay to do things differently. Actually, you are being encouraged to do things differently. This week is the most divine week for you to focus on your energetic output. What energy are you sharing with the world? What energy are you cultivating for yourself? What energy are you choosing to prioritize?

Yes you can easily be triggered by the world around you. Yes being an empath can be challenging as you are always influenced by the energy of those around you. Yes your old patterns will try to suck you into the quicksand, keeping you in a place of feeling unworthy and not good enough. 

These are challenges that you have the ability to overcome. The Universe is encouraging you to overcome these obstacles and master your own energy. 

This week, rather than rush into action, slow down and tap into the energetic frequency you wish to embody in all experiences. What do you wish to embody? Peace? Joy? Compassion? Freedom? Bliss? Serenity? Calmness? How can you tap into that energy right now? Through your breath and a pure intention. 

This week is not about creating forward movement on your big projects. This week is about turning inwards and cultivating a divine energetic frequency that makes you feel good and begin sharing that energy with those around you. Prioritize your energy before everything else. 

Monday February 20th to Tuesday February 28th

New Moon Mon. Feb 20th

First Quarter Phase Mon. Feb 27th

Over the next week and a bit you will notice a shift, especially if you’ve been building awareness around your patterns and choosing to shift those old patterns. This beautiful, divine, supportive, fresh energy is entering your life and showing you what’s possible when you prioritize the energetic embodiment of peace.

The New Moon on Monday February 20th says, “what are you calling in and what are you creating?” The New Moon energetically influences you to wipe the slate clean. Stop carrying the past around with you like a badge of honour. Put it down and recognize that the only important moment in your life is this moment right now, the present. Your past is filled with limitations. Your past is where your patterns were developed. Your past does not need to define your future. 

Becoming aware of your limiting patterns is important because it’s what allows you to recognize them in the moment and break free from them. 

Becoming aware of what you desire is important because it allows you to let the Universe guide you on the path of courageously creating a new experience for yourself. 

Dream dream dream. Trust trust trust. 

Then take aligned action. 

You are letting go of the old patterns and building awareness on what’s possible when you act courageously. This New Moon may be emotional for you, showing you the contrast between where you are coming from and what you desire. It’s important that you allow yourself the space to feel these emotions, release these emotions, and find divine neutrality in peace. 

Having emotions is not bad. It’s your judgment of the emotions that creates unsupportive patterns and limitations. Recognize the emotion, breathe through the release of the emotion, allow yourself to feel peace again, then lead yourself with the belief that your desires are possible. 

On Monday February 27th the Moon will shift into the First Quarter phase and you will notice the Universal Energy leading you into March with an action oriented mindset. The Universe will place opportunities and projects in front of you and you need to decide if you are eager to work on these opportunities or if they are keeping you in old patterns. 

Making conscious choices about which opportunities you say yes to is important because it’s how you let your Spirit lead you. Is the voice of your soul saying yes to this opportunity? Or is your fear pressuring you to act on this? 

These are important concepts for you to consider as you wrap up February 2023 and begin to move into March. 

Message from Spirit for the Month

Now that you have a better understanding of how your energy will be influenced by the Universe throughout the month, let’s see if there are any messages from Spirit to guide you.

This month I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle Cards as I tap into my intuition and clairaudient abilities to channel a message for the collective. 

The question being asked is, “what will support us, this month, as we break away from old patterns and courageously create our desires?”



Power is neither inherently good nor bad, it’s the definition and energy you give to the experience that determines where the power will go. 

Contrast by definition is, “the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association” (google). Good or Bad. Right or Wrong. This is the contrast that we witness through our emotions and our thoughts. 

What are you giving power to? And are you giving power to it in a heavy and harsh way, or in an uplifting and light way?

This month you are continuing your work of breaking away from outdated and unsupportive patterns. This means throughout the month you will notice situations triggering those old patterns as you build awareness. Remember what you give power to will either support you or cause more obstacles and challenges. 

You have the power. 

You get to choose where you place that power. 

Are you going to let the heavy, harsh energy take over?

Are you going to choose to lead with the light and uplifting energy?

Your choice creates a ripple effect. 


You are creating a divine shift in your life because you are choosing to shift your internal condition. The energy that resides within you is the energy that either attracts your desires or repels them. 

Through your journey this month you are beginning to allow your Spirit, your Higher Self, the voice of your Soul, to emerge and lead you forwards. 

As you shed the old layers, the outdated patterns, and the fear energy, you are allowing the most authentic version of you to emerge. Courage is the path to confidence. By acting courageous, even though fear is telling you not to act, you are leading yourself from your intuition and you are creating your desires. 

Keep going dear soul. 

Keep choosing to allow your Spirit to emerge. 

Keep prioritizing the beliefs that uplift you and encourage you. 

Fear does not need to be your experience. 

Let your true self emerge and guide you with faith. 

February is a short month, yet for many in the collective, it will be the month that starts the most epic shifts you’ve ever experienced in your life. 

You are awakening to your old patterns. 

You are choosing to lead with courage. 

You are capable. 

The voice of your soul is guiding you to shift out of your comfort zone. Are you listening?

It’s time to trust your Spirit and you will create an empowering transformation inside the Spirit of Air Group Program. If you are ready to prioritize your spiritual connection as a light-being, and fully trust your Spirit as an intuitive-being, this is the space to finally embrace your true authentic self. 

We are opening this program at the end of February 2023 and it won’t open again until 2024. This is your chance to trust your spirit and follow the voice of your soul! 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



For the woman who desires to feel connected to the Universe, trust her intuition and understand her soul path.

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