The Process of Aligning with Your Higher Self | Spiritual Connection


The moment you begin to align with your Higher Self you start to live your dream life. So many people believe their higher self is some future version of them that they need to work towards to attain. In reality you have the ability to align with your Higher Self right now. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work with intuitive-beings, empaths and sensitive souls who desire to better understand their intuition, strengthen their connection with the Universe and live out their soul purpose. The main focus of my work as a mentor is to simplify spiritual connection so you can start thriving as the spiritual being you came here to be. 

In this blog I will share the process of aligning with your Higher Self. The purpose of this blog is to bring clarity on how to create a spiritual connection with your Higher Self. 

I will be sharing 5 important parts in the process of aligning with your Higher Self, along with 4 honourable mentions. 

A disclaimer to start us off on the right foot. Aligning with your Higher Self is not a science. There is no “follow these exact 4 steps” plan. Every single one of us is unique, therefore your Higher Self is a unique connection you get to cultivate for yourself. The process I am sharing with you includes important strategies and practices to support you as you begin to connect with your Higher Self. This is a tool to guide you in creating your own process of aligning with your Higher Self. 

Before I jump into the process I want to explain WHY this is important information for your spiritual journey. 

A lot of my life I have carried self-doubt, imposter syndrome and the feeling of not being enough as I am. My fear of judgment and rejection controlled the way I lived my life. 

In my spiritual growth journey I began to connect with my Higher Self. I felt the energy of this Spirit Guide as a calm, uplifting and supportive mentor for my life. The more I aligned with the energy of my Higher Self, the more I began to see that she was me and I was her. I carry my Higher Self within me, therefore I am able to live the life of my Higher Self right now. 

Through the process I will lay out below I was able to overcome my self-doubt because I learned to trust in my Higher Self, which meant I was trusting myself. Now I understand the difference between my old fears and the trusting energy of my Higher Self. This doesn’t mean that fear is completely gone from my life. What it does mean is that I can more quickly recognize the fear and lead myself into alignment with my Higher Self. 

This is how I am able to thrive and feel as if I am living my dream life every single day. 

Now, it’s your turn to be able to do the same. 

The Process of Aligning with Your Higher Self

In no specific order, these steps are what help to practice aligning with your Higher Self. 

1 - Grounding Yourself

The main reason you are not aligned with your Higher Self currently is because you are stuck in your mind overthinking everything. 

Grounding yourself is a spiritual practice that helps you to become rooted to Mother Earth’s vibrational energy. In this you find a sense of presence, you are able to feel into the energy of your Spirit and you open the channel of divine wisdom from the Universe and your soul. 

Grounding Yourself is truly about tapping back into your energy, rather than living from your headspace. It’s in your headspace where you become overwhelmed by fear and you are less likely to feel the energy of your Higher Self. 

You can learn more about the Spiritual Meaning of Grounding Yourself in this podcast episode.


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2 - Connecting with Your Divine Team

Your Divine Team are the Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Animal Guides that support you beyond the veil. These are the spiritual beings you pray to, ask for guidance from, and feel leading you on your soul path. 

Your Higher Self is part of your Divine Team, so when you begin to connect with your Divine Team more in life, you are opening yourself up to the energetic vibration of spiritual and divine support. 

Connecting with your Divine Team doesn’t need to be overly complicated. By creating a habit of calling in your Divine Team, asking them to take your worries, asking for signs and messages you are strengthening your spiritual connection. Your Higher Self feels the energetic support of the Universe because your Higher Self is energetic support of the Universe. It’s time for you to start using your Divine Team as a way to align with your Higher Self. 

You can learn more about Connecting with 3 of Your Spirit Guides in this podcast episode

3 - Strengthening Your Intuition

Your intuition is the internal compass that guides you based on what is best for your well-being in this moment. Meanwhile, your Higher Self lives a life focused on well-being at all times. This means that the more you focus on strengthening your intuition, the easier it will become to align with your Higher Self and therefore thrive in life. 

Strengthening your intuition is a practice and a commitment all at once. It’s a muscle that you need to build in order to more easily feel your intuition guiding you through life. 

4 - Visualizing, Meditating & Connecting with the Universe

Your fears, worries and emotional wounds can easily block you from trusting in yourself, trusting in your soul path, and feeling as if everything is indeed working out in your favour. How can you overcome your fears, worries and emotional wounds then? 

The practices of visualizing, meditating and connecting with the Universe is how you turn your fear into faith, your worry into trust and your emotional wounds into peace. It sounds simple, and it is, but building a practice of these steps does take commitment from you. 

Through visualizing, meditating and connecting with the Universe you begin to shift your energy, raise your vibration, and align with your innate worthiness. This is exactly where your Higher Self resides.  

5 - Knowing Your Ego Triggers

Once you begin the process of aligning with your Higher Self you will feel the difference on the days you feel completely aligned, calm and connected, versus the days you feel totally off course, overwhelmed and drained. This is when you need to know your ego triggers. 

Especially as an empath, you are constantly being triggered and conditioned by your environment, including the people around you. This means that energy and emotions from your surroundings are seeping into your energetic vibration and guiding you out of alignment. 

The more you understand your ego triggers and you have awareness around what pulls you into fear or emotional overwhelm you can guide yourself back into alignment with your Higher Self. 

Honourable Mentions 

There are so many more practices and strategies that can support you in the process of aligning with your Higher Self, so I needed to include some honourable mentions. 

Asking for Signs

Inner Child Work

Learning Your Human Design

Future Self Visualization

Each of these 9 practices I’ve shared are the basis of aligning with your Higher Self. By making the decision to start trying out some of these strategies, or turning them into habits you will begin to live a life in alignment with your Higher Self. 

It’s important to remember to NOT overwhelm yourself with everything at once because that is how you will fall off track more quickly. 

One small step you can focus on right now to make a difference is to pick one of the strategies I’ve shared above that resonates with you the most. Add that practice to your daily schedule and start to see how it changes your experience.

Now you might be thinking that you are ready to go full in with aligning with your Higher Self. You’ve been trying out some of these practices and they haven’t made the difference you are desiring. 

You are looking for the support of Spirit of Air, my group program. This program focuses on simplifying spiritual connection and taking you through a 12 month journey of Trusting Your Spirit.

This program includes everything I’ve shared above and so much more. You will cultivate YOUR OWN UNIQUE process of aligning with your Higher Self inside Spirit of Air with my support and guidance each step of the way. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness