What is Your Soul Purpose? The Lightworker Edition


Your spiritual awakening dramatically shifts the direction of your path and you will find yourself in a place of not knowing your purpose. When you feel disconnected from the Universe and you don’t know who you are, you can feel as if your life doesn’t have meaning. This is what guides you to the moment of desiring to better understand what your soul purpose is in life. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work with intuitive-beings, sensitive souls, empaths and lightworkers who desire to strengthen their connection to the Universe, trust their intuition and most importantly, follow their purpose in life. 

Your journey has led you to this moment reading this blog because you want to live with meaning. You know that you came to this lifetime with a purpose and you want a clear cut answer as to what your soul purpose is. 

In this blog I will share the soul purpose for Lightworkers, why you are here, what you are meant to bring to the world, and how you can start following your soul purpose right now. 

Understanding the Meaning of A Soul Purpose

Recently on a call with one of my clients we discussed why she felt disconnected and purposeless in her new career. I want to share part of her experience because I know it will resonate with you as you begin uncovering your purpose as a lightworker. 

As an artist my client felt that her work didn’t have a purpose because she believed she wasn’t offering a service that provided true value to the world. She could see how artwork is important as it brings emotion and feeling to many people, yet she carried an unsupportive belief that made her feel as if it wasn’t enough value. 

She then went on to explain that she felt pursuing her artwork was selfish of her because it brought her joy. She carried a conditioned belief since childhood that told her being selfish is wrong and you must be selfless in order to live with purpose. 

The reason why her story is important for you to understand is because the three main parts that create purpose were disconnected for her, and they may be disconnected for you as well. 

Selfishness → Value → Service = Purpose = Selfishness → Value → Service …

A lightworker is someone who is here on earth to bring more light into the world. There is so much divisiveness, fear, disharmony, and disconnection in our world that the only way to heal all of this heaviness and darkness is to create and share more light. This is why so many people around the world are having spiritual awakenings right now because we need the lightworkers to be stepping into their purpose of bringing more light into the world. 

How does this connect with my client's story? How does this connect to your life?

My client was disconnected from her true soul purpose, to bring light into the world, because she carried a belief that said it was bad to be selfish. Along with this, she also carried a perspective on value that limited her self-perception, leaving her to believe she wasn’t of value. Her perspective on value was misaligned, as she was taught true value comes from doctors, lawyers, and people who create powerful change in the world. 

Through our work together, and the work she will continue doing on her own, my client was able to see that she needed to release the limits in her beliefs that created a disconnection in her ability to pursue her soul purpose. 

I told her, and I am telling you, as a lightworker you need to be selfish because by being selfish you are filling your cup and creating joy for yourself. In this state you become uplifted, joy-filled, and passionate about life. Now that you are in an uplifted state you can provide service to the world, one small act at a time, by sharing your uplifting energy and your loving light. That is your value as a lightworker and that is what people will remember you by, the uplifting energy you shared with them. Now that you are providing value through the energy you are sharing, you are serving others and the world. This is how you live with purpose. 

Purpose is not some tangible thing that you can hold or define. Purpose is a feeling you embody and it’s a meaning you give to your actions in life. 


I strongly encourage you to grab your journal and reflect on the example I shared and how it applies to you and your life. If you are carrying any heaviness or resistance around being selfish, what providing value means to you, or how to be of service then you will continue to feel disconnected around your soul purpose.  These four energies (selfishness, value, service and purpose) are meant to flow seamlessly from one to the other, which allows you to live with purpose. 


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What is Your Soul Purpose? The Lightworker Edition

As I already mentioned, as a lightworker your main purpose is to bring light into the world. I want to further explain what this means.

To Raise Consciousness

Through a spiritual awakening you become conscious of what it means to be a spirit. In your own way and on your own terms, you are consciously aware of your thoughts and how fear has created a lot of pain and worry in your life. 

When lightworkers share light with the world, we are raising the consciousness of the entire Universe. When you take a moment and look around you, you can probably see different people in your life who are unconscious to being a Spirit. Many people live on autopilot, simply making the motions of life, but they are missing out on the greater experience, a deeper meaning. It’s not your job as a lightworker to force them into awakening. You are raising consciousness simply by bringing more awareness into your own life and continuing to create and live from a conscious space. 

To expand the potentials and possibilities for all humankind 

When you live from conscious choice, rather than allowing fear to control your experience, you begin to understand the limitless possibilities in this Universe. Source/God/Creator/The Universe (use whatever terminology most resonates with you) is often referred to as The Great Mystery by many indigenous cultures. This idea of life being a great mystery is about not knowing “how” things are possible, simply trusting in the concept of limitless possibilities. 

By living as a lightworker and choosing to create more light and love for yourself and sharing that energy with the world around you, you are living your purpose to expand the potential and possibilities for all humankind. 

To awaken the light within others 

When you live from your light and you share that value, the energy of light with others, you mirror back to them the light that is within them. This directly references the Universal Law of Oneness, we are all connected because we were all created from the same source of energy. 

Part of your purpose as a lightworker is to awaken the light within others and you do so by uplifting yourself, finding joy, pursuing your passions and then sharing your energy with the world.

To plant the seed of new perspectives 

Lastly, the most important part of your soul purpose as a lightworker is to bring new ideas and perspectives to others. We live in a society that carries limited perspectives on all aspects of life and we often get stuck in how we perceive things. Your job isn’t to change someone’s mind on something, your purpose is simply to share your perspective and let it become a seed in someone else’s mind. 

Over time that seed will grow and will help to broaden someone’s perspective, which may eventually awaken them to their own soul truths. 

How do you live your soul purpose as a lightworker?

All of this is great information, but you want to understand how to apply it to your life so you can start living with purpose right now. As I already mentioned, purpose is not a tangible thing, it’s a feeling, an energy that you learn to embody.

Your soul purpose is not just about the career you have or the volunteer work you are committed to. Your soul purpose is the way you live day in and day out because your purpose is how you connect to yourself (internal purpose) and then how you share your energy with the world (external purpose). 

Here are a few different ways you can start living your soul purpose:

  • Through conversation

  • Being committed to your own healing

  • Strengthening your connection to the universe

  • Trusting your intuition wherever it leads you

  • Pursuing your passions

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone

  • Creating supportive spaces for others to be their authentic self

Simply by being here and reading this blog shows me that you are already on the path of living with soul purpose, now it’s about how you choose to continue to shift forward in life. 

Here are two different steps you can take to connect deeper with your soul purpose and embody what it means to be a lightworker in your everyday life…

1 - Join my Meditation Membership: In this community I am supporting you, as a spiritual empath, to transmute your energy from darkness into light. In order to be a lightworker you must know how to transmute your own darkness (fear, worry, stress etc.) into light. 

2 - Get on the waitlist for my Spirit of Air Group Program: In this 12 month program I support spiritually awakened beings to master their intuition and truly know the voice of their soul; and I  guide sensitive souls and intuitive-beings to feel connected to the Universe and fully surrender to their soul path.

If either of these resonate with you, then you know you’ve found the right next step to pursue your soul purpose. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness