What is Blocking Your Intuition?


Have you ever made a decision for your life and you just knew deep down it was the right decision? There may have been reasons why you shouldn’t go in that direction, or the pro/con list you usually make didn’t line up with where you were feeling called to go; but, for some reason you just knew it was the right path. 

This is what it feels like to let your intuition lead the way. 

There are many people in the world who, just like you, have intuitive hits and knowings trying to guide them on their path. What happens when you stop feeling those intuitive nudges? What happens when you can’t feel the knowing clearly and you have to make a big life decision? What happens when confusion, uncertainty and worry take over?

Your intuition is blocked and you have no idea which decision is the right one for you. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I’ve been there, and I know what it feels like to be in darkness or stuck in the overwhelm of over-analysing the situation. My job is not to give my clients the answer, although it can be handy at times to see your path where you feel blocked. My mission is to support intuitive beings in unblocking your intuition and to guide you into a state of trust. 

In this blog I will share 5 ways your intuition is blocked along with a few tips on how to clear the path and begin trusting your intuition once again. 

1 - You are afraid of your fears.

Your intuition is directly connected to your fears. I don’t mean your fears dictate how your intuition guides you. I mean they are polar opposites and in order to know one, you have to know the other. 

Your intuition is your internal compass that guides you based on what’s best for your well-being in this moment. Your Spirit wants you to grow and expand, which means you are often stretching your comfort zone when you follow your intuitive nudges. How can you step outside of your comfort zone when your fears are debilitating and have left you frozen in a state of inaction?

Do you know the depths of your fear? Have you taken the time to look into the emotional and spiritual wounds of the fear you’ve been carrying?

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of being out of control.

Fear of judgment and rejection. 

Fear of failure. 

My intuition became stronger, and I was able to hear it more clearly when I worked through my fears. This doesn’t mean my fears are gone. I am human, we will always experience the contrast of emotions. It means I can clearly acknowledge when my fear has come forward and is impacting my vision.

By taking time to work through better understanding your fear, you create space to grow beyond those fears rather than staying small within them. 


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Back to the blog - What is Blocking Your Intuition?

2 - Being overwhelmed by your thoughts. 

All the questions, all the worries, all the stress, circles through your mind like a hamster wheel and you become overwhelmed in your desire to have answers and clarity. The issue is in the energetics because questions and answers are on two different vibrational levels. What I mean by this, is if you desire clarity, yet you sit in the energy of confusion you are blocking the clarity from flowing in. 

In our society we’ve been programmed to focus on logic and rational reasoning as a way to find the solution or determine which direction to move in. This is why it’s become so easy for you to get caught up in over-thinking and feeling overwhelmed by all the thoughts. 

I remember receiving a message from my Divine Team so clearly that it shifted the way I contemplate decisions. They said to me “clarity is a feeling not an object”. I will feel clear in my decision rather than holding a clear answer. I think this can mean many different things to different people, and to me it means if I want to trust in the decision I am making I need to guide myself into the feeling of being clear. I cannot be in this feeling if I sit in my thoughts and let the hamster wheel continue turning. 

How can you shift your vibration from overwhelm to clarity? The first step is knowing you are not your thoughts, you are the awareness that is listening to the thoughts. This is where meditation comes into play because it teaches you not to silence your mind, but instead to find stillness. You make the choice to slow the hamster wheel, tune into your breath and how you body feels rather than letting your mind control your experience. Once you feel calm, clarity can more easily flow to you.

3 - Suppressing your emotions. 

Your intuition is often referred to as the voice of your soul and it’s connected to your psychic abilities. This means that in clair-audience you can hear the messages that move through you, but it’s not the only way of tuning into your intuition. Oftentimes your intuitive nudges are a feeling in your body, not necessarily a voice speaking through your mind. 

When you avoid, deny and ignore your emotional wellness it can be a lot harder to feel into your intuition because you are not allowing yourself to tune into your body and the energy that is moving through you. Also, when you suppress your emotions that energy stays stagnant in your body and can be triggered in future moments, creating an emotional reaction within you. There are a lot of people who think their intuition is guiding them when sometimes it can be past emotional wounds that have gone unhealed and unexpressed. 

How can you unblock your intuition? You need to hold space for your emotional experience and create supportive coping mechanisms for you to express any emotional response you may have. This includes healing your emotional body from past wounds that still reside within you. 

4 - Being serious all the time. 

Your Spirit wants you to have fun and play through life. When you follow your passions you awaken the light within you and joy becomes your guide. I often see clients stressed out and worried about big life decisions and they want their intuition to lead the way so they know for sure they’re on the right path. The problem is that if you don’t play around with your intuition and have fun feeling into it in the everyday aspects of life it becomes a lot harder to trust it for the big things. 

One of the reasons why I use Oracle and Tarot cards, along with asking the Universe for signs and messages, is because it brings a joyous aspect to my daily experience. By seeing the divine magic in these small, less important moments of life, I can more easily trust how I’m feeling called by my intuition in the bigger decisions. 

Your intuition is blocked, along with your ability to trust it, because you are focused on being serious all the time. Life is meant to be fun. You can have responsibilities as an adult and still experience the care-free innocence of laughter and joy. 

5 - Knowing the difference between seeing the bigger picture and needing all the steps to get there. 

Your intuition and your Spirit will never give you the next 10 steps you need to take. They work off of the concept of one step at a time. This can scare a lot of people because how do you know it’s all going to work out if you don’t know how it will happen. 

There is a difference in your energy when you say “I want to know it’s all going to work out” versus “I want to know how it’s all going to work out”. The second statement is attached to control which takes away your sense of curiosity. There are many people in the world who don’t like to be surprised, and it’s not because they don’t have a curiosity for life; instead it’s because they’ve been surprised in the past and it’s caused emotional and spiritual wounds for them. This feeling of being out of control carries heaviness for a lot of people, and it brings me back to the first block, being afraid of your fear. 

The Universe is limitless, but as humans we easily get tied down to our own perceived limits. This is why you often want to know all the steps it will take to get to where you want to go, because it’s difficult for you to trust it’s possible when you are holding onto limits. It brings up the statement “I can’t believe if I can’t see it”. Why? Because you are choosing to not believe in the magic of life; or because your soul has been impacted by past experiences leaving you to feel wounded and blocked. 

One of the ways your intuition becomes blocked is when you are focused on needing to know all the steps it will take to move forward. Meanwhile, your Higher Self is reminding you to see from a bigger perspective of simply knowing it will work out. 

If any of these blocks resonate with you then you are already on the path to strengthening your intuition. Simply acknowledging where the resistance lies is the first step to being able to clear said resistance. 

When you unblock your intuition and you feel the voice of your soul guiding you, freedom and fulfillment become your daily experience. This is because you know how to shift out of stress and back into peace of mind and spirit. 

The blocks around your intuition is exactly why I created my signature group program Spirit of Air. Being able to trust your intuition and strengthen your connection with the Universe allows you to move through this human experience with more ease and grace. The challenges don’t go away, you simply know how to approach them from a grounded and aligned state of being. 

There is a shift calling you forward in life and you want to honour yourself as an intuitive being, awaken your psychic gifts, and truly trust the path you feel called down. How can you do this without stress, worry and fear being your main experience? Join the Spirit of Air group program to strengthen your intuition.

Learn more about the program here and save your spot today.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness