5 Lessons I’ve Learned Since My Breakdown


When you reach your rock bottom it can be a catalyst to creating much needed change for your peace and happiness in life. The breakdown moments are the awakenings because you realize you can no longer continue on the path you’ve been on. 

Every single person will reach their breakdown in their own unique way, and something I experienced after my own breakdown was the realization that I desired to be a safe space and a guiding light for other people during their low moments in life. 

I was lucky. In my rock bottom I had someone who reached out their hand, offered support, and provided a safe space for me to venture into in order to begin my healing. As a spiritual mentor and intuitive guide, I’ve experienced the dark night of the soul, and the depths of my own shadows; part of my life’s mission is to support other empath souls in their healing so they can uncover their own light. 

This blog post will bring forward 5 key lessons I’ve learned since my breakdown that have helped me to heal as a human, and expand as a soul. These lessons are reminders for you that you are not alone when the going gets tough and you are struggling to trust in the Universe. 

If you want to read more about my breakdown check out this blog here.

Now let’s dive into the lessons. 

1 - Don’t Rush

You need to give yourself time and space. 

One of the biggest lies we’ve been taught in life is that the future holds everything we could ever want and we need to work hard to get there. This mindset is rooted in the belief that you are not worthy right here and now, and you need to change who you are and change your circumstance in order to achieve the joy and peace you desire. 

You become so quick to criticize and judge yourself, comparing your situation to someone else’s, and you are left feeling even worse. 

Experiencing a breakdown is traumatic. You cannot just jump up and change everything in an instant. 

You need to give yourself time and space for the healing to occur. 

2 - Seek Joy Often

Healing is hard. 

I became obsessed with healing and changing who I was early on after my breakdown. I thought if I just shed all the layers of conditioning and programming everything would be better and my life would be everything I ever desired. Wrong. 

The process of healing is draining and shifting your beliefs takes a lot of mental and emotional energy. I struggled to remember what it was like to be joyous, because I was so focused on the triggers and the pain that I felt surrounded by. 

For a long time I thought this was the only way to heal, to submerge yourself in the depths of all your issues at once. Healing is hard, and it takes a lot of energy from you as you shed the layers of pain and unsupportive conditioning and programming. 

When I began to slow my healing down, and focus on one thing at a time, I had more energy and space for joyous moments. I began to realize that the more I prioritize joy in my life, the more energy I had to go back into healing. 

Healing is hard, so seek joy often. 


A free 30 min recorded workshop with Sydney!

As an empath you are easily drained, overwhelmed and exhausted from feeling the emotions of everyone around you.

Are you wanting to live with more peace?

Are you desiring to feel more energized in life?

Are you dreaming of the day you can live authentically without fear of judgment?

Learn more about 10 underrated lessons to be a peaceful empath in this 30 minute workshop!

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Back to the blog - 5 Lessons I’ve Learned Since My Breakdown

3 - You Are On the Right Path

Spirit is leading you. 

I always believed that life was like a highway (freeway). Once you were on it, there would be different exits and you had to learn which exit or on ramp was the right one to get off or on for your journey. 

This mindset was so limiting because it focused on their being a right and wrong direction for me. I remember in meditation one time my Spirit Guides showed me what a soul path actually looks like. It’s a trail system, with many different options twisting and turning, crossing each other, leading you through different experiences. 

There is no wrong direction or right path. The choices you make on a daily basis will lead you to the lessons meant for you and the opportunities that will take you to the next fork in the trail. 

No matter where you go, what you choose, or who is beside you, you are on the right path for you in this moment. When you feel a call to shift and change directions, know that spirit is leading you. 

Being able to see life from this perspective has taken the weight off of making the right or wrong choice for my next step. Now I simply trust that whatever feels right for me right now, I am not alone and Spirit is alongside me every step of the way. 

Spirit is leading you, trust that you are on the right path. 

4 - Focus On Yourself

It’s how you gain confidence. 

As a recovering people pleaser the majority of my life has been focused on everyone else and what I can do for them. I didn’t realize that my actions were rooted in needing external validation, which stemmed from insecurities. 

The more I began to focus on myself, my needs, my desires, my opinions, the more I began to understand who I was and who I came here to be in this lifetime. This doesn’t mean I never give back to others, instead I am more confident in who I am and how I am in service to the world around me. I’m not waiting for someone else to validate my actions, instead I feel good giving back because I already feel good in who I am. 

As an empath your energy is easily influenced by the world around you, and this can lead you deep into people pleasing tendencies. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself and you are learning about your shadows and your light. 

When you focus on yourself you gain more confidence in who you are and how you show up in the world.  

5 - A Fulfilling Life Will Be Your Reality

It’s all taking place for your highest good.

The breakdown moments happen to awaken us to the changes that need to happen. We so easily live on autopilot inside our comfort zones, oftentimes not seeing the problems as they happen. 

A breakdown is the Universe quite literally shaking your shoulders asking you “do you like this? Are you willing to continue down this path? You can create the necessary change to lead a more fulfilling life”. The result is whether or not we choose to ignore the signs leading to the breakdown, or if we are willing to look at what got us to that moment and how we can create the necessary change. 

After my breakdown I realized I didn’t like who I had become and I felt so disconnected from my authentic nature. I became committed to learning what brought me joy in life and how I could prioritize those things more. 

A fulfilling life will be your reality because everything is unfolding for your highest good. It’s whether or not you are willing to work alongside the Universe, or you choose to let your fears control your experience. 

Now, if you find yourself at rock bottom in this moment, I am here to let you know that things will get better. You only have up to go from here. 

If you are in a place where you’ve already experienced your rock bottom and you’re actively trying to heal and create change, I am here to remind you that you don’t have to walk this journey on your own. It’s a lot easier and more enjoyable if you reach out and receive support. 

If you are well past your rock bottom, you’ve moved through a lot of healing and learning, and you are choosing to tune into your soul and live from your light, I am here to remind you that you are creating a ripple effect in the world around you. Continue learning, healing and expanding your light because you are showing others they too can follow their own light. My Spirit of Air group program could be exactly what you need to continue building trust in your intuition and strengthening your connection with the Universe.

You are a gift, no matter where you find yourself on your journey, you are heading forwards one step at a time and that’s all you need to do. Please remember, rest is just as important as action. 

Tuning into your soul, taking time to heal, and understanding your energy are the things we prioritize inside The Soul Care Space membership. It’s a community focused on holding space for you and your journey, so you can feel aligned with peace, joy and purpose.

If you know you want to prioritize soul connection more, but you often get stuck on what to learn, how to heal, or what’s needed to tune into your intuition, then The Soul Care Space is right for you. Join us at the month-to-month subscription for only $33/month or choose to sign up for a full year now!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness