9 Ways to Simplify Your Life

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Life can easily be overwhelming.

We experience stress, chaos, difficulties and hard times easily. 

So how do we not let these control our lives?

How do we connect back to peace & joy regularly?

We need to get in the habit of simplifying our life on a regular basis. 

Negative situations and challenges tend to overcomplicate life, so here are 9 ways you can practice daily to simplify your life.

Cut Down on your Daily Tasks

There is only so much time in the day so STOP overbooking yourself or overworking yourself. 

We do not have time to complete everything in a day, os figure out beforehand what NEEDS to be completed versus what you WANT to do.

For instance, cooking a meal is something that is needed because we have to eat every single day, multiple times a day. 

Yes, work is important, but you will always have another work day tomorrow so you need to get in the habit of not overworking yourself each day. 

Personal care is important, so make sure you spending time on yourself each day. 

Prioritize your Daily Tasks

Just as important as cutting down on your daily tasks, knowing which tasks are an everyday thing, a weekly thing or a monthly thing and split them up accordingly. 

For instance, don’t put all of your weekly tasks on the same day. Make sure they are split up throughout the week. 

It’s best if you make a list of which tasks are daily, weekly and monthly and give them a day or time to accomplish them. 

Stop Overspending

I am not a shopaholic, actually I am probably the complete opposite, so this is for those of you who enjoy shopping and buying new things. 

Whether you realize it or not, over-shopping and always looking at what’s new creates the mindset that you will never have enough. 

This can lead into a mindset of never having enough time, never being enough, and never catching up to your goals or dreams. 

Overspending and over-shopping makes your life more complex in more ways then one. 

We forget to appreciate what we already have and we are constantly in a state of lack. 

Stop overspending. 

Give yourself time and space to enjoy what you have. Learning how to make life work with what you already own creates a new mindset of peace. It also builds your problem solving skills because you learn how to fix things when they are broken versus buying new, or create a new way of using something making it multi-functional. 

Trust in the bigger picture

Often we can become stressed out about our future and not knowing how things will work out. 

One of the best ways I have found to simplify my life is by putting my trust in the bigger picture. We will never know the end result until we reach the end, and even then things may change or new opportunities may present themselves. 

We need to constantly remind ourselves that what is meant for us will come. We need to trust in our ability to move forward through life because we can’t always see the whole picture. 

Listen to yourself, your intuition, and trust in the bigger picture of life. 

Let go of the people who stress you out

We already experience enough stress in life, so why create more for yourself by surrounding your life with people who bring more stress. 

Okay, I know, sometimes these people can be family members and we can’t exactly get rid of them. But you can recognize that they cause you stress and take the proper precautions to protect yourself before engaging with them. You can also limit your time in the same space as them. 

Do you have friends that stress you out?

It’s time to move on and let them go. Remember this is for the better of you and your life and you do not deserve to be surrounded by more stress. 

Cut out the routines that don’t serve you

I’m here to tell you that you have routines and practices that do no good in your life. So when you feel crunched for time, it’s not because you don’t have enough time, it is because you are spending too much time on the things that don’t serve you or your life. 

Social media, watching tv, scrolling the internet, complaining & venting to friends, focusing on your past mistakes, these things do you NO GOOD. 

I’m not saying get rid of them all completely, because I’ll be honest I still enjoy scrolling social media and watching tv. BUT you need to limit yourself and how much time you spend doing these things. 

Maybe the limit is you don’t turn the tv on until after 8pm, or better yet, after you’ve accomplished your main tasks for the day and completed an hour + of personal development practices.

Brain dump negative thoughts & emotions

Negative thoughts & emotions can get stuck in our mind and start to create even more limiting beliefs as we move through the day. 

We can’t waste our time focusing on these negative thoughts, but we do need to process them in order to let go and shift our mindset. 

Having a journal to write out these thoughts & emotions can help you intentionally process & release them rather than hold onto them creating a negative headspace. 

Be intentional with this journal as a space to let go of these negative thoughts and ask the universe to take your cares & worries for you so you can connect back to positivity. 

Ask for help

We are made to believe that we have to do everything on our own. We are told that the only way to be successful is to accomplish each and every step by yourself. 

This is so far from the truth. As humans we are social beings and it’s been proven that we are able to accomplish so much more when we come together as a team. 

It’s time to start recognizing where you could use help and open yourself up to asking for this help. Maybe you ask a family or friend, or maybe you hire a professional, either way you need to learn to ask for help in order to simplify your life. 

Get out in nature daily

Life is hectic, chaotic and stressful. There is no way around this, unless you live in a small cabin out in the woods alone, but even then I’m sure some things can be stressful. 

We NEED to learn to disconnect from this stress on a daily basis. I’ve learnt that the best and easiest way to do this is to connect to nature. 

In nature we can create peace so easily. 

Spend time in nature, feel the fresh air on your face, breathe deep breaths and allow the peace and calm to move through you. 

Have gratitude

Recognizing what you are grateful for does so much good mentally and spiritually in your life. 

It creates a positive mindset, it helps you to recognize what you already have, it fills you up with love and joy, and it reminds you of what life is really all about. 

Connecting back to what you are grateful for can help you on the most difficult days and it is the perfect simple practice to include in your life. 

Life is already difficult, without our help, so it’s our job to simplify it. 

It’s our job to figure out how to come back to peace & joy. 

It’s our job to create a life we enjoy living daily. 

Use these tips to simplify your life! 

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