10 Ways to Declutter Mind, Body, Spirit

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It’s easy to see when our homes and work space has become cluttered and this leads to more stress, frustrations, and inefficiency.

It can be much harder to tell when we become cluttered mentally & spiritually.

To be honest, sometimes we wait too long to declutter our mental & spiritual selves. This can lead us to experience mental breakdowns and spiritual trauma. 

Use these practices on a regular basis to declutter mentally & spiritually.


Whether you listen to a guided meditation or you do a self led meditation this is a great practice to clear your mind and connect back to self. 

Deep breaths

When our minds are working overtime we can find it difficult to break free. This is especially noticeable when we are stuck in a negative mindset. Using controlled breathing exercises can help you to declutter the mind and step away from negativity and limiting beliefs. 

Inhale for 5 seconds, hold it for 2 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Do this a minimum of 5 times in a row. 

Brain dump

We easily overthink things in life. Our analytical brain steps in and tries to come up with every possible outcome, all the what-ifs and situations that could or could not happen. 

A brain dump is a great way to put all your thoughts on paper and decide which ones are holding you back, which are silly made up scenarios, and which ones are worth your time and energy.

Smoke Medicine

I have learned from Indigenous People how sacred using smoke medicine is and how it can help you declutter and clear energetic debris. As always, when we are using another cultures practices we must honour where it has come from and the history of those people. 

Indigenous People across the world have been mistreated through colonization, so we never take their sacred traditions and use them out of context. If you are unsure of how to properly use smoke medicine or you want to appreciate the culture and not appropriate then I highly suggest learning from Asha Frost.


Leaning into gratitude is always a beautiful practice to step away from negative & limiting beliefs that are cluttering your mind. 

Gratitude reminds you of the beauty in your life and can bring you back to a state of peace & joy. 

Daily Intentions

We can easily be disconnected from ourselves and the path we desire to head down. Stress can cause us to forget to live in the present moment. 

Writing out daily intentions helps us to live in the present. Throughout the day come back to your intentions and make sure you are living true to them. 


I intend to think before I react. 

I intend to enjoy time with my children. 

I intend to listen to my gut instincts.


This is a great tool to declutter spiritually & mentally because we often get lost in comparison mode, believing we are unworthy, fearing our future, and worrying about past decisions. It’s important to affirm positivity into your life to create a healthy headspace to live in and to manifest your dreams to the universe. 


I am loved & supported as I move through today and every day. 

I am filled with joy as I follow my passions. 

I am healing myself as I learn and grow through life. 

I am open to receiving abundance as I work towards my dreams. 

Connect to the Universe

Using different universal tools to help declutter builds trust in yourself and your path through life. I connect to the Moon Cycle on a regular basis to know what type of energies are surrounding me and how I should honour myself through each phase. 

There are so many different ways to connect to the universe as this includes all of our surroundings (i.e. the stars, the sun, the earth, Creator, the angels, your ancestors, the plants, the animals etc.).

Time in Nature

This is always one of my go to strategies in any sort of mental & spiritual wellness practice because nature can do so much for us. It helps to ground us in the moment, it heals us through all of the medicine it shares, it brings peace & calm to us, and it reminds us that we are part of a bigger picture so we can trust in each step as we continue to grow. 

Animal Medicine

The animals that surround us on earth also have medicine to share with us. Each animal has it’s own spirit, it’s own gifts to give us. When we honour each animal and it’s message we can see it’s lasting affect on our own spirits. 

Animals brings healing medicine to us if we are open to receiving. 


Buffalo reminds us to release what no longer serves us and that we are supported in all ways. 

Deer teaches us to love ourselves and others. 

Eagle shows us how to trust in our higher selves and in the bigger picture.

Bear reminds us to stand our ground and teaches us to have boundaries to protect ourselves. 

There are so many different ways we can practice decluttering mentally & spiritually, but we must practice it regularly. 

Save this post or write these down so you can declutter throughout your life! 

After 4 years of actively learning to release and let go of my fears, worries, doubts, past pains, and all the energetic blocks and resistance I’ve been carrying, I decided to put all of my knowledge together in the form of a book. This is a spiritual tool to guide and support you in learning what you are carrying that needs to be released, while also giving you many different strategies and practices to actively release the energy that no longer supports you. Check out the Releasing Guidebook.


Releasing Guidebook

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This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.

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