Mental Health Practices to Refuel, Realign & Refocus

Mental Health refuel, realign, refocus.jpg

How to get back on track with that personal growth journey.

Life is tough and I know I am not the first person to say it or feel it. There are always new and different challenges that may come forward that can affect the way we think, do and even see the world, the people around us or even ourselves. So, how do we move forward when we feel like we are being held back or pushed down in life?

I have gone through many experiences and situations in life that have impacted how I act and think. Sometimes these situations have allowed me to grow into a better version of myself, but many times these experiences have tried to mold me into someone that I do not want to be. 

We can become influenced by the people around us and the way they handle life. I have noticed that in difficult situations other peoples negativity, complaints or even judgements have seeped into my being and I have started to pick up these negative traits. In life I have noticed that once I become judgemental or start complaining it can be really difficult to step back out of this mindset. 

So, why am I here today you might ask?

Well, I want to help all of us to remember that we have the power, strength and knowledge to be able to refuel ourselves when we are lacking, realign ourselves when we have stepped away from who we want to be, and refocus ourselves towards our dreams, goals and desires. 

In order to refuel, realign and refocus we need to RECOGNIZE that whatever is affecting us might be out of our control and at this point we can remember what is in our control and how to move forward from here. 

As I said before, life sucks sometimes and we can start to experience some really hard, difficult times. BUT, it is exactly in those times that we need to connect back to ourselves in order to move through the current experience with some ease and grace. This is important because if we do not connect back to ourselves then the situation can become even more difficult, it can affect our emotions negatively, and we can become stuck in the world of ego which is really disconnecting from our authentic selves. 

So…. WHAT can we do, HOW can we accomplish it & WHEN should we be practicing it?

The first step I think is probably the most important step, because it is the first. It helps us to get back on track with that personal growth journey. 


Now you may say, I don’t connect to nature at all in my life. Well, I am here to tell you that you should start. We are beings that live on this beautiful earth that we call home. There are so many different energies that surround us and affect us through life, so why not connect to one of the strongest energies out there that can actually help us through our journey. 

That’s right, when we connect to nature and Mother Earth we are opening ourselves up to flowing with the energies of earth and the universe. When we flow with these energies we can find more peace and grace through life. Nature is healing, nature allows us to breathe, nature helps us to disconnect from the stress and chaos of the world surrounding us. Nature refuels our energy. 

So, in order to refuel yourself I ask that you get out into nature for at least 30 minutes. Walk around and acknowledge the plants and trees that surround you. Take in the smells and the sounds as you walk. Find some sort of flowing water and watch as it winds, and weaves it’s way through the earth. Feel the cleansing energy of the water, and see how flows. 

This is a time to just be, don’t let your mind fill with worries, fears, doubts or to-do lists. Leave all that behind and just take in the nature and the life that surrounds you in this moment. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, distracted, or stressed out I urge you to get out in nature to refuel yourself before doing anything else that takes your energy. If you cannot get in the car and drive somewhere then just find a tree to sit next to and look up at the clouds and the birds that are moving over head. The idea is to shut your mind off of the everyday stresses and tasks and to just see, feel, hear, and smell what surrounds you in this moment in nature.

Now that we have refuelled ourselves we can step into realigning ourselves. 

In realigning I prefer to use my journal. I think journalling is a beautiful way to connect back to yourself and your dreams. When we journal we are opening ourselves up to everything that moves through our mind and we can see it all from a new perspective. It’s kind of like talking to someone else to get their opinion on something. The moment we start to talk about the situation we see it in a new light. 

This practice helps us to realign ourselves by recognizing what is important in our lives, how we want to act and think as a human being, and where we want to move in the future towards our dreams and goals. When journalling we become open to the areas of our lives where we weren’t honest with ourselves or we allowed ego to take over. We can no longer hide from those moments of judgment or complaining, and we can see how we want to be as we move forward. 

Ok, so now that we understand why journalling can help us realign ourselves the question becomes, WHAT do we journal to realign ourselves

A journal entry can be as simple writing down your emotions from a previous day and how you were affected in order to experience that emotion. For example, you get home from a long day at work feeling drained and exhausted and angry. You look back to what happened at work, maybe you were chatting to a coworker which led to complaining about your boss or a certain situation that happened at work. We have recognized how we felt at the end of the day and we were able to understand what we did to bring forward these emotions. Just writing this into our journal is opening us up to understand what affected us, so moving forward we can realign ourselves to who we want to be and how we want to act. 

Another journal entry can be daily intentions and affirmations. When we start the day by writing out our intention for the day we are stating to the universe and ourselves what we want to achieve or experience for that day.  For example, we can state affirmations that may include “I am open to receiving love and support as I grow to become a better version of myself”, or “ I am ready to move on from the people and things that are holding me back” or even “I always see the light and love that surrounds me and can easily break free from the stress and negativity surrounding me”. In writing out our intentions for the day we may include “Today I want to stay connected to my authentic self” or “Today I want to be open to healing through nature” or even “Today I will step forward and take action on my goals and dreams”

Realigning ourselves is so important in our personal growth journey because we can so easily be swayed and affected by other people and their energies. We need to constantly remind ourselves what is important to us, how we want to act as spiritual souls while evolving our beings, and connecting to what brings us joy and peace in life. 

Nobody is going to do the work for you, only you can step up and decide now is the time to grow, now is the time for me!

The last step I want to share today is to REFOCUS in life. After we have refuelled and realigned ourselves we need to refocus, or stay focused on our personal journey. How can we refocus? 

Well, it’s important to take all of our teachings and learnings and integrate it mind, body, soul because we are not just a body, or just a mind, or even just a soul. We are the combination of all three and we need to focus our entire being in moving forward in the best direction for ourselves. Meditation is a beautiful way to refocus our whole being because it allows the lessons and healing to immerse into our being on a spiritual and energetic level. 

Another great way to refocus is when we have a community of like-minded souls to support us through life. When the focus on life surrounding us is similar to our own focus on life it can become easier to remember why we are living the way we are and to stay true to our own path. 

Ever since I started to surround myself with people that want to grow, learn, and heal in a similar way as myself it has become easier to get back on track when I lose my way. I become more accountable in my life because I am reminded of the important things to focus on and I can leave all the nonsense, that has no place in my life, behind. 

Remember, we are the product of our environment, so if we are constantly surrounded by people who complain or judge others then we will start to pick up those behaviours and we continue to be drained by this negative energy. When we surround ourselves with people who want to focus on the good, continue to step forward in our own strength and grow and evolve as the beautiful beings that we are, then our focus is in the direction that will help us flow through life as we heal and grow. We do not need to accomplish life all on our own, as a matter of fact it is really, really difficult when we seclude ourselves on our journey. So, we need to be open to connecting to people that support us through our journey and see us in our best light, for this will help create the space that we need to stay fuelled, aligned and focused as our authentic selves on our soul path. 

It is time to stop feeling so drained, unmotivated, chaotic and stressed. It is time to step into the healing energy of nature to refuel; to journal our thoughts, emotions and intentions to realign with our authentic self; and to use meditation and a like-minded community to refocus on our soul path and the direction we want to move forward in. 

The best way to shift your energy when you are feeling drained or overwhelmed is through the practice of releasing. Without even realizing it we can attach ourselves to energy that feels heavy and pulls us into the overwhelm we are feeling. Releasing is the practice of letting go of the energetic attachment we have to our fears, pains, or any energetic blocks and resistance that is popping up on our path.


Releasing Guidebook

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We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.

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