Open Yourself Up ... Have Those Feelings

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Have you ever experienced a challenge in your life that brought forward negative emotions?

Did you want to connect back to positivity as quick as possible so you stepped away from that challenge and moved on to something else?

In the end did those old feelings come back up at a time you least expected them?

When we bury emotions & feelings we can become more easily triggered in the future to experience those emotions again. Now is the time to understand how to properly move forward from challenges or hard times you have experienced. 

Some of us were told from a young age to ‘suck it up’ when we were sad. We were taught to hide our tears because they showed weakness. We were taught that the only way to make it in life is to hustle, work hard, be powerful, and prove the strength you have within you. 

Without realizing it these ideas have turned us into control freaks. Meaning that what we cannot control makes us feel powerless, or less than, or not worthy. So when we experience a negative emotion or a hard time in life brings forward sadness we are quick to push those feelings down because we feel out of control. We want to get back to that feeling of strength and power so we choose to create a situation that we can control to bring forward a positive outcome in our lives. 

I am here to remind all of us that sadness, anger, and any other negative emotion that we may experience does not make us weak. In fact, choosing to blow past those emotions is what makes us weak. Choosing to not understand what those emotions are trying to tell us makes us weak. 

Our emotions are typically trying to tell us something about ourselves. Maybe they are telling us that it’s time to rest because we have been too on-the-go and we are running ourselves into the ground.

Maybe they are trying to tell us that the relationship we are in is not a supportive one and if we take the time to reflect and learn we might see that it’s time to move on.

Maybe those emotions are just trying to tell us that we need to seek support and love from the people who matter.

Maybe the emotions are telling us that our standards don’t align with our boss or co-workers and it’s time to find a work environment that supports you and aligns with your opinions & standards.

Maybe the emotions are telling us that we need to reflect on how we have been behaving and it’s time to grow and change a certain characteristic that we have that doesn’t support our growth in life. 

There are so many different things that our emotions can teach us, but we will never learn and grow if we are not open to feeling those emotions. If we push them down and bury them then we will be triggered again in the future until we are open to learning from the emotions. 

Experiencing emotions does not make us weak, not being open to learn from those emotions is what makes us weak. 

If you want to be a strong person then you need to be willing to truly experience your emotions in order to learn what they are trying to tell you about yourself. Be communicative and open to seeing that change might need to take place. 

I do admit, sometimes we are not in the right setting to move through those emotions & learn from them. But that doesn’t mean that you should bury them and never come back to them to learn. 

It’s important to open yourself up to the learning process in the right setting. This might mean you need to see a therapist to have the support to be able to process what your emotions are saying. Or maybe you need to surround yourself with other people who have experienced something similar in order to have a support group of people who understand your experience. Or maybe you just need to have a friend that is willing to listen, offer advice when requested, and a safe heart to hold space for you. 

So I am telling you, that it is time. It’s time to open yourself up and to have those feelings. Allow yourself to learn because it will help you to grow and become better. 

It won’t be easy, actually it will be extremely difficult sometimes, but you will become stronger, you will see your self-worth, you will feel the power you have within you, and you will learn what you can control and how you can move forward through changing what is in your control. 

Now is the time to learn from your emotions. Now is the time to step forward into self-healing and self-growth. Now is the time to evolve and become better. Now is the time for SACRED PAUSE in order to reflect, learn, heal and grow through life. 

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