10 Tips for Cleansing & Clearing Your Space & Yourself

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In life we can get bogged down and heavy because of all the hats we wear, all the tasks that need to be accomplished, all the people we interact with, all the challenges we face and all the emotions we experience. Sometimes these things bring positive energy and a lot of the time they bring negative energy, draining energy, stressful energy, chaotic energy. 

Over time this negative energy builds up within us and within our space and we might feel completely exhausted, experience anxiety, or be completely unmotivated. It’s our job to clear and cleanse ourselves from this negative space and bring us back to peace and clarity. 

Here are some of my tips to cleansing and clearing your space and yourself.

1 - Smoke/Plant Medicine

This is a sacred tradition that comes from Indigenous People and their practices. If you use smoke or plant medicine in your daily practice it is important to acknowledge and honour the people and the culture this practice comes from. If you want to learn more on the sacred teachings of this practice please check out Asha Frost. If you want to purchase plant medicine for a smoke ceremony from a Plant Medicine Woman who shares her ancestral ways then check out Jacqui Wilkins.

I cleanse myself with smoke medicine daily with my Plant Wand from Jacqui Wilkins’ Pachamama Medicines

2 - Meditation

Another great way to practice clearing yourself is through meditation. A release meditation can help you to release anything negative that you may be holding on to. A cleansing meditation may be a journey that takes you through sacred waters to cleanse yourself mind, body and spirit. 

I love using meditations to release or cleanse myself when a challenging situation has come up in my life. 

Check out my free release meditation here.

3- Light Energy Visualization

Connecting to healing light energy is a great way to cleanse yourself, and I practice this almost every day. Personally, I feel negative energy as a heaviness and darkness within me and I like to take the time to recognize where I feel this and visualize it leaving my body. After all the darkness and heaviness is gone I connect to the different coloured healing light energies to fill me up with love, wisdom, my divine self, mother earth, and the divine universe.

4 - Guarding Yourself

This is a great practice for being proactive against negative energies that surround us in the world. There are many different ways to guard yourself in life and this practice is good for your mental health because you are able to guard yourself from the negative emotions of others. 

I offer a course that shares different strategies for Guarding Yourself daily. Click here to learn more

5 - Decluttering

To cleanse your space sometimes all it takes is a good decluttering session. This can mean going through your clothes and donating stuff you no longer wear; thrifting knick knacks that no longer serve you; clearing out your purse or backpack. When we take the time to physically clear the space we live in it helps to clear out old energy in the space. This practice helps you to feel less chaotic within as well. 

6 - Connecting to Nature

When we take time to connect back to the earth and our surroundings we allow the healing medicine of nature and fresh air to cleanse us. This can include working in a garden, walking in nature, sitting by a water source, spending time in a forest or even just taking note of the nature that surrounds you.

7 - Crystals

There are so many different crystals with beautiful healing medicine and energy that can help us cleanse and clear. I have a rose quarts crystal I keep on my desk at all times to help cleanse my space. Sometimes I will keep different crystals in my pocket as I go about my daily errands or even while I am at work. 

8 - Calling in Archangel Raphael

In Doreen Virtue’s Archangels and Ascended Masters: A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities she shares a passage about Archangel Raphael and how he helps those who ask with guidance around healing and space clearing. It can be as simple as calling Archangel Raphael to your side for help with cleansing and clearing your space from all negative and dark energies. 

There is a beautiful invocation in Doreen Virtue’s book. Click here for the link on amazon

9 - New Moon & Full Moon Ceremonies

The New and Full Moon are great times to cleanse yourself and step into the next phase of the cycle. You can do a personal ceremony at home with the energy of the moon to help you release, cleanse and clear yourself, your space and your crystals. 

Ceremonies are also a great way to have space held for you, experience some energy healing and learn from a mentor/coach/healer. There are many different people who offer New & Full Moon ceremonies and it’s a chance to connect to their healing medicine and their energy. It’s important to you find someone you connect with and who holds space for and supports you and your dreams.

10 - Water cleanse

Taking a shower or a bath is a terrific way to cleanse yourself. Water has a beautiful purifying healing energy and it helps to wash away any negative energy or feeling while cleansing you. If you are having a bath consider using some plant medicine to infuse your bath as well. Cedar has great healing properties. 

This can also include walking through a creek or stream, swimming in a lake, pond, river, or the ocean, and even having a foot bath. Anyway you can connect to water is a great way to cleanse yourself. 

I practice each and everyone of these for my mental health, and to help myself heal and grow through life. Cleansing and clearing myself and my space helps me to stay connected to my authentic self and step away from the stress and chaos in the outside world. Including these in my personal growth journey allows me to connect to peace and joy daily. 

Interested in building your mental health practices along your personal growth journey?! Want to connect with some of the offers I linked to in the blog?

Check them all out here:

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