Leaning Into Your Softness in a Hard World | Feminine Soul


The feminine energy of being a soft-hearted person is a true gift, and yet for generations the world has hardened you into a disconnected and stressed out version of you. Trying to fit into the world you grew up in is more detrimental and I am here to remind you that your softness is needed. 

When I first began my spiritual mentoring business I had a desire to be the light for people who were walking amongst the darkness of life. As an empath and recovering people pleaser myself, I experienced a mental and emotional breakdown that was the spiritual awakening I didn’t know I needed. 

I had become a hardened version of myself, trying to fit into a world that prioritized hustle and hiding any amount of emotion I felt for fear of being seen as weak. In my soft moments, of acknowledging my emotions and trying my best to unburden the weight I was carrying, I felt so alone and disconnected from the world around me. 

How can you lean into your softness in a hard world?

How can you embody your divine feminine energy in a world that has prioritized the masculine energy for so long?

How can you achieve fulfillment, success, peace, and a life well lived by leading from the soft-hearted, authentic version of you?

Without even realizing it, these were the questions that guided me throughout my healing journey. 

I needed to unpack layers of ego built on needing external validation, conditioned beliefs rooted in action equals success, and programming that had me deny, ignore and avoid any heavy emotions that would arise within me. I had to let go of the hard shell I had been proudly wearing that was hiding the gift of my softness and my femininity. 

Being Grounded in Connection

When you lean into your softness in a hard world you are able to feel the divine connection that flows through everything in this Universe. 

I learned the hard shell I was wearing kept me disconnected from the energy of belonging. Throughout my entire life I have had a deep connection with Mother Earth and I know in a past life I was an Earth Fairy. Feeling grounded in nature is the basis of connection in the Divine Law of Oneness. 

I stand in a forest of trees and I hear the squirrels chatting away, as the birds chirp to their friends, and I feel this sacred energy of harmony that flows through the community that calls this forest home. 

How can I carry this feeling, this connection, this act of being grounded into all aspects of my life?

By letting go of the hard shell I was wearing as protection, I’ve been able to connect with my friends, family and community in a way I never imagined possible. I don’t need to be hard to protect myself from the world, I get to lean into my softness to attract the right relationships into my life. 


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

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Surrender in Your Adaptability

The hardness you were programmed to embody creates a false sense of security, especially around the need for control and the high expectations you hold for yourself and your life. 

I learned that in my softness I am more easily able to surrender to life and the Divine Plan for me because I am more willing to adapt and flow. 

It was in my conditioned beliefs that triggered the fear of the unknown and a need to grip onto control in order to make my life the way I wanted it. Yet, everytime I failed at achieving the expectations I held for myself I continued to view myself as lesser than and unworthy. This hard shell of protection was causing me to feel more insecure. Being a soft-hearted person I can see how delicate my self-perception had become because I was trying to make myself into a harder person to be successful by the world's standards. 

In my softness I am not reaching for some future moment so the world perceives me in a certain light. Instead, I am appreciating the magic of this moment and I am allowing myself to flow in the enjoyment of now. I still dream for my future and I have desires for experiences I’d like to have, but I am not attaching my identity to the expectation of reaching certain results. 

My life is filled with more peace, self-love, and trust in the Universe because it’s in my softness that I am able to surrender. I believe in myself because I’ve been witness to my adaptability and how I can make aligned decisions in the moment. I don’t need to be in control to live a joy-filled life. I live a joy-filled life because I’m willing to adapt, shift, and evolve to the path beneath my feet. 

Knowing Your Soul

It’s in your hardening where you become disconnected from your Soul and you become who the world told you to be. You forget your truth, who you really are in a deep soul connected way. 

I learned that I didn’t know who I was and the feeling of being alone occurred because I was covering up the truth of myself with the hard shell. It wasn’t until I started to drop the layers of protection where I began to truly know my soul in a whole new way. 

A strong sense of self comes from taking the time to remember who you are as a soul, who you came here to be in this lifetime. My soul care practices were about leaning into my softness and allowing myself to embody the sensitive, loving, hopeful, harmonious version of me.  

You know you are a soft, sensitive being, with a compassionate heart. You’ve felt pressured and forced into this hard world to be someone who is not the truest version of you. You’ve molded yourself and shaped yourself to try and fit in and it’s left you feeling unfulfilled, alone, and disconnected. You are exhausted from trying to be someone who is not the most natural version of you. 

It’s time. 

It’s time for you to lean into your softness in this hard world. 

Your femininity is a gift and there is a place for you in this masculine driven world. 

What is the first step?

Start taking care of your soul. Start listening to your Higher Self. Start loving your Inner Child. The more you honour your softness the more you’ll remember your truth.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness