Energy Forecast for March 2023 | Endings & Beginnings


In the northern hemisphere we are closing out the winter season preparing for spring this month and the energy we feel on a daily basis as a collective will reflect the endings and beginnings of a cycle. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I am here to bring understanding into the Universal Energies that influence the collective through a monthly energy forecast. I channel intuitive and clairvoyant messages through my connection with the Universe along with deciphering the energetic effects of the Moon Cycle and Seasons. Through these mediums I am able to gain insight into the month ahead and how you, as an empath, intuitive-being and sensitive soul may feel the effects in your everyday life.

You are here because you desire to understand your spiritual journey and how your energy is being affected by the Universal shifts and changes. You also wish to heal, learn and grow in your lifetime in order to evolve as a Spirit and raise your own consciousness. These monthly energy forecasts will give you insight into what areas of your life are needing your focus each month and how you can carry more grace for yourself as you flow with the Universal energy. 

I encourage you to read through the entire month now so you can gain insight into what is coming. Then save the link and come back each week to remind yourself of the messages and how you can support yourself. 

As I mentioned in the January 2023 Energy Forecast, this year is all about bringing harmony into our self perception and our perception of the world through logical understanding and broadening our spiritual perspectives. More and more people around the world are having spiritual awakenings and feeling encouraged to look more deeply into themselves. 

Over the last two months in the Northern Hemisphere we have been deep in the energy of winter which encourages a sense of hibernation. This means you’ve had less energy to go and take action on your big dreams and you’ve honestly desired to grab a cozy blanket and snuggle up with a good movie for the majority of your evenings. 

Now everything is changing. 

Whether you’ve been using this hibernation time to self-reflect on last year and all that you learned or not, this month is going to catapult you into acknowledging what you need to let go of in order to create the forward movement you’ve been dreaming of in your life. 

Have you been dreaming of forward movement in your relationship? Work life? Home life? Personal development? Spiritual connection? Friendships & community life? It’s time to get clear on where you feel your energy being called towards because this month can be extremely empowering if you use your energy wisely. 

Let’s take a moment to break it down week by week so you can understand what this means and how you can best support your growth, both personally and in your life, right now.   

Wednesday March 1st to Sunday March 5th

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Wed March 1st

The month starts in the middle of the week and this energy reflects the concept of being catapulted right into a massive shift. You don’t get a relaxing Sunday to start a new month, instead the calendars change with the blink of an eye and you might even feel like you weren’t ready for March to begin. How are we already in the third month of the year? 

As the moon continues to grow in size through the Waxing Gibbous phase you can feel the effects of working hard, putting the finishing touches on a project and overcoming the last few obstacles before you see things through to completion. 

Whether you are working on a project at work, in your relationships, or in your personal development, you feel like you want to get everything finished perfectly and in the exact right way. This can trigger your need for control, your perfectionist tendencies, and your fear of not doing enough. 

Take a deep breath this week before you rush into action. Yes, you are being called into taking action, but the energy you come from is what matters more than the actual action itself. Are you taking action because you feel pressured to finish the project? Take a deep breath and refocus on the purpose of the project first. Remind yourself why you are choosing to put the work in, and not as a means to an end result. When you can remind yourself of the purpose, the real meaning behind your action, you can lead yourself from a soul-centered place rather than one of stress and forcefulness. 

Action is good and necessary, but not when it comes from an energy of desperation and pressure. This week you are trying to work hard to reach an end goal, but is the end goal actually aligned with your desires? Or is the end goal focused on someone else’s needs? This is important for you to consider because how you do one thing is how you do all things. 

Take the necessary action while feeling the purpose guiding you and you will overcome those obstacles. 

Monday March 6th to Sunday March 12th

Full Moon - Tues March 7th

The ending of a cycle is near and you will feel the effects this week. It’s almost as if the Universe is getting ready to close one book and preparing to open a new book, but you might not feel ready for such a shift right now. Before the Universe brings a close to this cycle you are going to be shown all the lessons from the last cycle as a reminder of whether or not you chose to learn those lessons or ignore them. 

This Full Moon energy will be hard for those of you who are stuck in patterns of needing control, perfectionism, and feeling as if you are never doing enough. Don’t get down on yourself if you’re feeling the effects of your outdated patterns and you’re being triggered by different situations in your life. The Universe wants you to learn and finally let go of the habits and thought patterns that are holding you back and limiting you. 

For many of you this week will show you where you’ve grown and how you’ve been learning the lessons because you’ll be faced with situations that would’ve triggered you in the past. Or you will feel triggered and you will be much quicker to acknowledging your triggers and supporting yourself in letting go of the heavy energy and fear based thoughts. 

The Full Moon energy can feel daunting and heavy this week and that is because we are energetically closing out one cycle and gearing up for a new cycle. This means that it’s up to you to determine what you want to bring with you into this next cycle and what habits, behaviours, actions, thoughts, projects, relationships, and mindsets you are ready to fully let go of. 

The winter season is all about reflection and taking the time to gather the wisdom from the past year through the lessons you learned. Have you gathered the wisdom? Or are you repeating the same patterns from last winter? Again, no need to blame, judge or shame yourself. The more awareness you build on where you currently are the more you can show up and support yourself in the direction you are heading down. 

Take the time this week to look inwards and notice the patterns you’ve been holding onto that are causing more stress and pressure in your life. Again, is it perfectionism, needing control, or feeling like you aren’t doing enough? Acknowledge what is coming forward, where you feel triggered, and what patterns you are holding onto that no longer serve you.

Monday March 13th to Sunday March 19th

Third Quarter Moon - Wed March 15th

How do you wish to close out this cycle and prepare for the next cycle? What area of your life are you wanting to focus on for this next year? Yes, there can be multiple areas of your life to focus on, but if you split your energy up too much it will be challenging to make real progress in everything. 

Reflection is key this week and in this reflection the Universal Energy is encouraging you to wrap up the cycle which began in March 2022. Can you see a main theme from the past year of your life? Was there something that repeated over and over again until you finally learned the lesson? This is your opportunity to gain the key takeaways from last year to end this cycle, close the book, in a healthy and supportive way for yourself. 

Some of you will feel like you’ve only just awakened on your path and you are extremely overwhelmed with where you currently find yourself. Take a deep breath and feel the compassion inside your heart. You are here and that is more than enough. The cycle you are ending is the cycle of being unconscious and running on auto-pilot. You have awakened to what wasn’t working and so the cycle you are ending is the old ways that no longer support you. 

Whereas the other people here have felt awakened on this spiritual journey for a long time now, you can more clearly see what the theme for your past year was. Take some time to celebrate yourself and all that you’ve learned in the last year. Allow yourself to end this cycle by feeling good about where you are because you’ve come a long way. 

No matter how you feel about where you are currently, last week may have been triggering for you and now is your time to really understand why you felt triggered, how you felt triggered, and what you want to do to show up for yourself better next time. 

Awareness is always the answer and my Spirit Guides are wanting me to remind you that we all can always be more aware! The more aware you are the more power you have with conscious choice! The choice to do things differently, which is exactly what we are being reminded of as we prepare to head into a new energetic cycle. 


A free 60 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Understanding Your Triggers: How To Live A More Peaceful Life

It’s time to understand your energy and emotions as an empath!


  • Lesson on energy and how as an empath you become affected by your environment

  • Breakdown to understand your triggers, what this means & how to overcome them

  • Tips & strategies to support you today in living more peacefully

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.


Back to the Monthly Energy Forecast for MARCH 2023

Monday March 20th to Sunday March 26th

Spring Equinox - Mon March 20th

New Moon in Aries - Tues March 21st 

When one cycle ends a new one will always begin. Dawn is the beginning of a new day and yet it starts in the darkness and we can’t always tell that something new is starting. You may feel this way right now, thinking to yourself “how can something new start when I still feel surrounded by darkness or stuck in the old?”. Well that is the power of a new cycle, you can’t always tell the difference between when one ends and one begins, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. 

The Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is an energetic fresh start, just like the New Moon energy. This week is extra powerful because we are experiencing both of these energies. The beginning of a new cycle is the perfect time to dream big, set new intentions for how you wish to show up, and get clear on what you wish to focus on moving forward. 

A lot of people focus on a new cycle as a time to manifest, which is a beautiful way to start the cycle, but so many people are stuck in manifesting as a passive way of living and I am not here for that. You have to be willing to show up and do the work to create the dreams you desire. I don’t mean manual labour, I mean the inner work. The Universal Energy is guiding you to see that the inner work is not always challenging, oftentimes it gets to be fun and enjoyable. 

This week your inner work is about getting clear on what area of your life you feel called to focus on and grow through this new cycle. Do you wish to create a stronger and healthier relationship with your spouse? Do you wish to take your career to the next level, or shift your career to something that feels more purposeful? Do you wish to focus on your relationships & community as a way to bring purpose into your life? Do you wish to focus on yourself because you’ve always felt disconnected from who you are? Do you wish to strengthen your connection with the Universe as a way to understand your soul purpose as a light-worker? 

There are so many different aspects of your life that you could choose to focus on and getting clear on what that is for this next cycle will start you off on the right foot. When you sit with yourself you’ll know where you feel called to focus your energy. If you don’t know then go for a walk in nature, enjoying the beauty of Mother Earth and the clarity will come to you. 

Monday March 27th to Friday March 31st

First Quarter Moon - Wed March 29th

It’s time to start moving forward with small steps into this new cycle. Now that you’ve taken the time to get clear with your dreams, your intentions and your focus, the Universe says, start taking action. This can look like many different things, you may feel called to strategize and figure out a plan for your year ahead. You could also know exactly what the first step is to support yourself in the growth you desire. It could be signing up for that program you’ve been dreaming of; getting started on the course you signed up for; having an open discussion with your spouse about your desires; or even getting clear on what projects you wish to begin this year. 

The Moon Cycle shifts into the First Quarter phase this week and the energy is inspiring and motivating you to get going with action on your desires. Use this energy wisely because it can be extremely powerful if you are taking action with purpose. 

Some of you may feel re-energized and use this energy to tackle your to-do list around your house or working on a bunch of projects for other people. Before you jump into action make sure you are also focusing some of this energy into the projects that will fulfill you. Remember, this is a new cycle, don’t fall into the old patterns from the cycle you just ended. 

A week passes by quickly and we tend to over-promise on the tasks we think we can accomplish. We easily get lost in the months as the calendar changes and we watch the weeks pass us by. There is quite a bit of time in a year and we actually underestimate what we can create in a year's time. Rather than focusing on the projects you want to finish right now, take this time to think about the bigger picture. What could you accomplish in a year if you set aside 2 hours a week to work on it?

Remember, you have just entered into a new cycle of your life and you can make this cycle the best one you’ve ever experienced. You have to be willing to do things differently and that starts with how you are dreaming and what kind of intentions you are setting for yourself for this next cycle. 

You are being encouraged to grab your journal and look at the year ahead. What is one thing you could focus on each month that will support the growth you are desiring in that specific aspect of your life? Dream, believe and plant those seeds. Spring is the time to start fresh and determine what you wish to grow in your life. 

Message from Spirit for the Month

Now that you have a good understanding of Universal Energy and how you are being influenced this month, let’s look into any messages from Spirit that are coming forward. 

This month I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle Cards to gain insight into this new cycle we are beginning. 

The question being asked is, “what do we need to remember as we prepare to start a new cycle?”



Spirit is reminding all of us that we are flowing with the Universal Energy and we need to acknowledge that we do not have control. The water flows effortlessly as gravity calls it down the path of least resistance and the same goes for you in this new cycle. 

Have you been pushing, pulling, forcing and carrying a desperate energy in your life? This is causing a lot of resistance and it’s no wonder things haven’t been going the way you’ve desired. 

Take a step back and ask yourself, “am I being called to move in a different direction?”, “am I needing to surrender more and trust?”.

You’ve been ignoring something because you’ve been so focused on controlling the outcome. Whereas the Universe is saying “I’ve got something better in store for you if you would just trust”

Life becomes peaceful when we let go of the resistance and we choose to flow. This does not mean that you don’t have a say in creating your life. You are indeed a co-creator alongside the Universe and your desires are meant for you.

Through this month you are being asked to notice where you are resisting, gripping onto control and forcing things to go a certain way. This new cycle gets to be effortless. This new cycle gets to flow with ease. It’s up to you to learn how to carry that ease and flow with life. 


You are clearing out ancestral patterns that have created resistance in your life. You are walking a new path and you are doing things differently than the generations before you. This can feel like resistance at times, it can feel challenging, but you are in the process of closing a cycle that your ancestors were stuck in for many generations. 

You are a trailblazer in your family. 

You are a wayshower and a light-worker. Meaning you are creating a new path, a new way to live, and you have been choosing to follow the light. 

Your ancestors are so proud of you and the work you’ve been committed to on this journey. They see you and the progress you’ve already made. They remind you, “we know it’s challenging to overcome the patterns we created, you can do it. Keep going. Keep forging a new path. You are creating a new earth and we celebrate you.”

There is so much support and love that surrounds you right now. When you feel stuck in a challenge this month, when the fear comes forward, allow yourself to rest. Growth doesn’t happen in a day and you need to refuel your energy in order to keep going. 

In the endings and beginnings you will see what’s possible for you. Don’t let the challenge of a cycle ending be what stops you from following your desires. 

If you enjoyed this energy forecast and you want to take the next step in connecting with a spiritual community to continue learning about your energy, your emotions, and your growth…

… then check out the Meditation Membership

It’s more than a community of people who prioritize meditation as a way to create inner peace. 

It’s a community of spiritual empaths who are choosing to learn about themselves in order to continue to grow and evolve. 

If you desire more self-love and to align with well-being, then this is the community for you. 

Join us with a monthly subscription now, which you can cancel at any time. 

Get the best deal and sign up for a yearly subscription to set the intention for creating your best year yet!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



For the woman who desires to feel connected to the Universe, trust her intuition and understand her soul path.

You know there is more to life then what we see physically around us and you want to strengthen your connection to the Divine Universe.

Join Sydney and a community of spiritually awakened women who are ready to claim their inner power!



Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

Join the Meditation Membership in order to expand your spiritual knowledge and be part of a safe and supportive community focusing on releasing pressure and creating peace.