11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Emotionally & Spiritually


After your spiritual awakening you are more aware when you feel heavy energy versus when you feel light energy. You understand the difference between feeling stress, pressure and overwhelm with feeling purpose, inspired, and aligned. Even though you feel the difference between these you don’t always know how to raise your vibration emotionally and spiritually. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide my mission is to simplify spiritual connection and what it means to feel your intuition. Your soul purpose is guiding you and yet your fears, worries and doubts are often blocking you from hearing this guidance and trusting this guidance. I support and guide spiritual empaths to master their energy, raise their vibration and follow their soul path with ease.

In this blog I will share 11 ways you can raise your vibration emotionally and spiritually. The purpose of raising your vibration is to live an enjoyable and fulfilling life. I will answer frequently asked questions about understanding vibrational energy and what that means for you. 

Let’s jump into all things spiritual vibration. 

What is energy?

Everything is energy. Everything is made up of energy and we feel the vibrational effects of this energy through our physical bodies. 

Your thoughts are energy, and depending on what those thoughts are you will feel different vibrational effects. Your actions are energy, your emotions are energy, your habits are energy. More than just you being made up of all this energy, everything around you is energy as well. The earth is energy, this includes the trees, the mountains and the ocean. Inanimate objects are also energy and will have different vibrational frequencies depending on what it is, how it was made or even who uses it. 

Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transmuted and shifted. 

What is low vibrational energy?

Low vibrational energy can be understood through the way it feels. It tends to feel heavy and harsh, and it creates blocks or resistance around energy flowing freely. Low vibrational energy can feel more stagnant because of this heavier feeling. 

When you look at your emotions you can categorize low vibrational energy as frustration, anger, stress, anxiety, sadness, fear, disappointment, and bitterness. 

When you look at your thoughts you can categorize low vibrational energy as doubt, pressure, forcefulness, worry, judgment, guilt, shame, confusion, and overwhelm. 

When you look at your actions you can categorize low vibrational energy as any action you’ve taken from the pressure of your emotions or thoughts that are low vibrational. 

What is high vibrational energy?

High vibrational energy feels light, uplifting, freeing, inspiring and empowering. When embodying a high vibrational energy you create more space for energy to flow freely which allows more high vibrational energy to flow into your life. 

The feelings you might recognize when in a high vibration are calmness, relief, satisfaction, peace, bliss, connection, love, compassion, support, and purpose. When you begin to prioritize high vibrational energy in your life you will feel more inspired and motivated to act with purpose and to lead yourself with trust.  

How do you know your vibrational frequency?

Paying attention to how you feel is how you determine what your current vibrational frequency is. When you notice yourself in a low vibration it’s not time to shame or judge yourself, although this may be the habit you’ve always experienced. This is because low vibration attracts more low vibration. Whereas high vibration attracts more high vibration. 

When you notice yourself in a low vibrational frequency it’s your job to acknowledge where you are, bring acceptance into this moment, and then transmute your energy to raise your vibration. 

It’s also good for you to pay attention to when you feel yourself in a high vibrational frequency. When you feel inspired, joyful, peaceful or in a state of enjoyment acknowledge what you did to get to that feeling. The more aware you become of what creates a low vibration versus a high vibration for you the easier it becomes to guide yourself with a high vibrational frequency.


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Back to the blog - 11 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Emotionally & Spiritually

How do you raise your vibration?

Now that you have a basic understanding of energy, low vibration and high vibration, it’s time to understand how you can raise your vibration emotionally and spiritually. 

Here is a list of ways to raise your vibration. It’s important to remember that everyone is different and unique in their own way, so some of these may resonate with you and some may not. Take what resonates and leave the rest. 

1 - Meditating

Often when stuck in a low vibration it’s because you are in a thought pattern that is unsupportive. Using meditation as a tool to transmute your thoughts from a low vibration into a high vibration will allow you to more easily shift the vibrational frequency you embody. 

2 - Grounding Yourself with Mother Earth

Mother Earth has a very neutral and nurturing vibrational frequency. When you feel yourself in a low vibration the best thing you can do is go outside and place your bare feet on the ground. This is directly connecting you to the vibrational frequency of the earth, which will help you raise your vibration. 

3 - Feel Your Emotions

When you avoid or ignore your emotions the energy from them ends up stagnant in your body and you carry that vibrational frequency with you wherever you go. By taking a moment to actually feel your emotions you are actually releasing the energy of those emotions, which will support you in transmuting your vibrational frequency. 

4 - Talk to Your Spirit Guides

Often when you get stuck in a state of worry or overwhelm it’s because you’ve been overthinking a problem and all you really desire is a solution. The solution you desire is a high vibrational energy, so you need to raise your vibration in order to attract the solution to you. By talking to your Spirit Guides you are able to hand over your worries, place your trust back in their guidance, and ask for a sign, some guidance or clarity in your life. 

5 - Move Your Body

Energy needs to have space to move freely in order for you to feel the effects of raising your vibration. As I already mentioned, low vibrational energy feels more stagnant because of it’s heaviness. When you decide to dance to some music, do a yoga class, go for a walk, or do a workout you are moving your physical energy which allows for a release of emotional and spiritual energy. This is a great way to raise your vibration. 

6 - A Cleansing Shower

Connecting with water as a spiritual cleansing tool is a great way to transmute your energy and shift your vibrational frequency. When you notice yourself in a low vibration, hop in the shower and ask the water to cleanse away any heavy or low vibrational energy. Then allow yourself to feel the energetic shift take place. 

7 - Act on Your Passions

The things you are most passionate about are great ways to express your true authentic self and follow your purpose. Every individual has slightly different passions and it’s because those passions are what we came to this life to pursue and act on. When you act on your passions you inspire yourself and you uplift your energy, simply by doing the things you enjoy. The more often you pursue these passions the more you will live from a high vibrational state. 

8 - Have a Spiritual Ceremony

Oftentimes when you feel disconnected, overwhelmed, or confused in life it’s because you haven’t taken the time to connect with your Spirit and the Universe. There is always so much guidance and support surrounding you in life, but you often close yourself off from receiving this. When you lead yourself through a spiritual ceremony you are opening the channel to connect with the Universe, receive more guidance, and feel the uplifting energy of your Spirit. 

9 - Go on an Adventure

You need to change your environment and bring fresh energy into your life and your being. When you feel stuck, uncertain, or stressed, you need to remember that life is an adventure and it’s meant to be enjoyed. This means you don’t always know what’s coming around the corner, but you are choosing to have fun on the journey. When you physically take yourself on an adventure, whether it’s a couple hours or a couple days, you shake up your internal energy and more easily align with the enjoyment of the journey. 

10 - Laugh

The easiest way to raise your vibration is to laugh. Whether you are laughing at yourself or laughing with a friend, laughter transmutes the energy you are embodying and creates space for more high vibrational energy to flow in. 

11 - A Supportive Community

The most common ways we communicate with our communities is through drama, gossiping, complaining, venting, or airing our grievances about life. It can be good to speak about whatever is weighing on us, but if it’s in a style where you are constantly talking about the same low vibrational things, then you are holding yourself in a pattern of low vibration. Having a supportive community that can bring new, empowering ideas, is a great way to shift your perspective on life and see things from an uplifting view rather than constantly seeing the resistance and frustration. 

There are so many different ways you can raise your vibration emotionally and spiritually and the best way is for you to learn specifically about your energy. One of the biggest problems I see with spiritual empaths is consistency and accountability. 

As an empath you are easily affected by the energy and emotions of the people around you, which means your energy may become a low vibration because of who you surround yourself with. It needs to be a daily practice to focus on your vibrational frequency and fill your life with high vibrational thoughts, emotions and actions. 

If you are looking for a supportive community to stay accountable on your spiritual journey then look no further. 

The Spirit of Air Group Program is a space for spiritual empaths who are ready to know the voice of their soul, strengthen their intuition and master their connection with the Universe. Learn more at the button below. 

The Meditation Membership is a space for spiritual empaths who want to better understand their energy and emotions, and stay accountable in the process of raising their vibration and creating soul alignment in their life. Learn more at the button below. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness