Death & Rebirth of Scorpio Season


What does death and rebirth mean for Scorpio Season? How is the Eclipse Season affecting empaths? Taking the time to better understand yourself and how the Universe influences you will shift you from exhausted to empowered.

I’m trying something new right now and I hope you are able to receive it, take what resonates and apply it to your own soul journey. Talking about spirituality, emotional wellness, being an empath and connecting with the Universe is something that lights me up. Being a Generator with a Sacral Authority it’s important that I follow what excites me and lights me up because that’s how I will make the biggest impact on the world around me.

What is this new thing I’m trying? A podcast of sorts.

Now if you’ve been in my community for awhile you’ll probably think “you’ve already done the podcast thing before”, which is true. I had a podcast with one of my best friends, but it’s been awhile since we’ve recorded together because we both have busy lives right now. So I’ve been thinking, what’s stopping me from recording my own episodes filled with Messages for the Empath Soul.

I present to you… Messages for the Empath Soul - A Podcast.

My first episode is called Death & Rebirth.

Listen here, or scroll down to read more on what this episode is all about!


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.



Back to the blog - Death & Rebirth of Scorpio Season

Here I will share the basics of the podcast episode, and I highly encourage you to give it a listen for the deep dive into each topic.


This is your soul journey and I am here channeling messages from the Universe to help guide and support you. 

This is Messages for the Empath Soul.

If you’re new here, I’m Sydney a ⅖ generator, with a deep intuitive connection. My mission is to empower as many spiritual empaths in this community, creating a ripple effect of compassion and peace that is felt around the world.    


Scorpio Season and themes the empath soul will move through.

What’s Happening in the Sky right now.

Self Reflection Creates Soul Connection


Death & Rebirth, which ties into the Fall Season in the Northern Hemisphere

This season is pushing you into seeing what needs to fall away in your life, what is not serving you, what parts of you or parts of your life are dying. 

A phoenix rising from the ashes.

The Themes for Scorpio Season are:

The Death of Your Old Self

The Exhaustion of Being A Witness

The Trigger to Fix


Eclipse season means shit will be shaken up to bring you back into alignment with your destiny. 

You will feel very OUT OF CONTROL because eclipse season is when the Universe steps in and reorganizes things for you. 

There is NO RUSH to find a solution, or bring things back in order. Your soul is asking you to learn to comfort yourself in the chaos. You need to let the ash settle before you’ll know which direction your intuition is calling your forwards in. 


What do you do in your alone time?

Do you avoid alone time?

Do you shut your mind off with social media, watching the news, or streaming movies?

You will not find the space of alignment and fulfillment if you aren’t taking the time to reflect and connect with yourself. 

The way you speak to yourself when you’re alone matters. 

When you begin to look at yourself and your life with an unbiased outside perspective, you start to see things more clearly and you can feel the voice of your soul more strongly. 

Journal prompts for reflection:

  • What feels heavy in my life and I need to admit to myself that it’s time to let go?

  • What old versions of me do I want to let die away?

  • What is my soul calling me to focus on moving forward?


Remember, your life is happening right now. There is not some future moment you need to rush forward to. Be here, take a deep breath, know that you are meant to be in this moment. 

Life will always bring more lessons. 

Your soul will always guide you to more healing. 

Your mind will always require support to see from a bigger perspective. 

You will always desire to be seen, heard and understood. 

Be here now for yourself. In time you will feel the call to share more light and compassion with the world. 

I’m Sydney, signing off and saying thank you, thank you, thank you

Being an empath is hard, and continuing to avoid or suppress your emotions actually makes it even harder for you. 

This is why I created a membership community called The Soul Care Space where we focus on emotional healing, nurturing your feminine side, and connecting with your soul. There is enough messaging in society trying to tell you who you should be in order to feel worthy and enough. The Soul Care Space is about coming back into alignment with your true, authentic self and learning to feel worthy in your own self-perception. 

Whether you are wanting to release and heal the layers of ego/false self that limit you, or you are wanting to awaken and connect with your soul and the Universe, The Soul Care Space will guide you on your journey. 

Join us now to discover who you are, at a soul level.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness