3 Important Factors for Cord Cutting | Healing


As humans one of our most difficult traits to break free from is how easily we become attached to things, people, opinions and places. This attachment can create a codependency on something that will trigger feelings of unworthiness, unless everything is going “right”. Carrying these attachments can pull you further away from your true self, your soul. Cord Cutting is the energetic practice you need to help release unhealthy attachments.

My journey as a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide is to support you in better understanding who you are as a soul, and guiding you to feel worthy through your soul connection. Whether you desire peace, fulfillment, freedom, or connection, I am here to help you let go of all the barriers and limitations holding you back.

In this blog I want to share the spiritual and energetic practice of cord cutting and how it can help you in your healing and growth journey. I’ll be explaining what cord cutting is, why it’s important for healing, and three important factors for cord cutting. 

By the end of this blog you will be able to use cord cutting as a way to free yourself from any fears and limitations that have kept you feeling unworthy, unappreciated, and overwhelmed. 

I had an experience recently where I could see my old people pleasing ways trying to take over my consciousness, pushing me to fall back into old patterns. Upon looking at my situation from a different perspective I was able to see I had become attached to a specific outcome in someone else’s life.  

I had helped a friend adopt a dog, through another friend of mine, and as my first friend began to feel overwhelmed she said to me, “I think I made a mistake”. All of a sudden I could feel the weight of her anxiousness build up within me and as a recovering people pleaser and empath, I began to fret over how I could “fix” things. 

I didn’t want to let down either of my friends and my thoughts were trying to tell me that if this adoption failed it would be my fault. Leaving me to believe I’m a bad person and unworthy.

As I said, I had become attached to the outcome of my friend's dog adoption. 

What is cord cutting?

Cord Cutting is the practice of removing or dissolving your energetic ties (or attachments) to something.  

Everything is energy and energy is constantly moving, until we unconsciously attach onto a specific energy. In this case an energetic cord is created between us and the thing we have attached onto. 

We can see energetic cords attaching us to other people, to certain places, to tangible things, and even to opinions or experiences. The two most common cords I see people carrying in their lives are the energetic cords of attachment in their romantic relationships and the cords of attachment in their career. If you hold high expectations for something/someone there is a strong chance you are energetically tied to it/them via a cord.  

To cut an energetic cord it’s not necessarily about what the “to do” steps are, it’s more about the energetic vibration of release that you connect with. I want to make it clear that attachment and connection are two different things. 

You can have a connection with someone without being energetically affected by their choices. However, when you have an attachment to someone you almost always feel affected by their choices. 

A simple practice for cord cutting would be visualizing the energetic cord that is attaching you to the person, place or thing, then seeing yourself cut that cord with a tool, like scissors or a knife. Once you’ve energetically cut the cord you can ask your Divine Team of Angels and Spirit Guides to bring healing energy to your body and to send healing energy to the other person, place or thing. 


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Back to the blog - 3 Important Factors for Cord Cutting

Why is cord cutting important for healing?

Cord attachments can be blinding, meaning you see the situation from a very limited perspective. These types of attachments are typically created from an unhealthy place of fear, which blocks the true self, your soul, from guiding you through life. 

Let’s look at my example. My energetic cord between myself and my friend’s situation with adopting her dog was rooted in my fear of rejection. My false self, or ego, was trying to tell me that if the adoption didn’t work out, then my friend would be mad at me and possibly judge me for guiding her into adopting a dog. The worst case scenario would be that something really bad were to happen and both of my friends, the new owner of the dog and the original owner of the dog, would both reject me as a friend for my involvement in the situation. 

Now, when you are fully conscious and aware, you can see that most likely this wouldn’t happen. Someone wouldn’t blame me for it going badly, if it were to, but a cord attachment blocks you from being able to see things from a fully conscious or aware perspective. The energetic attachment is guiding me from a place of fear and my fear is telling me that I need to do everything in my power to ensure this situation is successful. I end up feeding into the attachment, strengthening the cord between me and my friend's adoption. 

The practice of cord cutting allows me to heal because I begin to clear out the layers of my false self, or ego, that are holding me back and limiting me. These types of energetic cords are extremely draining and can hold us in unhealthy patterns of unconsciousness. 

Let’s take a deeper look into the healing effects of cord cutting by digging into 3 important factors for cord cutting. 

1 - Seeing Your Old Pattern

Cord cutting doesn’t have a lasting effect if you cannot see your old pattern in the process. 

The moment you acknowledge that you have an energetic cord attaching you to something you have to be willing to see what your old pattern is in this attachment. Without acknowledging your pattern, after cutting the cord you will easily fall back into your old pattern causing you to reattach energetically via another cord. 

In my example, I was able to see right away that as my friend began to feel overwhelmed and voice her feelings as thinking she had made a mistake, I felt the pressure that it was my fault. I could see my thought patterns trying to tell me that I had to fix it or I would fail. I could feel the energy building within me that was rooted in feeling unworthy. This entire pattern is rooted in my old people pleasing ways, forever trying to make sure that everyone around me is happy. 

By seeing my old pattern I was able to recognize that I needed to cut the cord.

2 - Removing Yourself from Someone Else’s Lessons

As empaths and people pleasers we want to help other people feel better, but when we step in and try to fix things we often block that other person from learning an important lesson in their life. 

Cord cutting is an important part of your healing journey and the learning journey for someone else. It’s not that when you cut the cord you leave that person out to dry. Instead when you cut the cord you allow yourself to connect with that person in a kind and compassionate way, while not feeling emotionally drained or mentally overwhelmed through their choices, lessons, and actions. 

When you choose to cut the cord between yourself and another human you are not cutting them out of your life. Instead you are removing yourself from their lessons that the Universe is trying to guide them through. We are all here to learn life lessons and it’s not up to you on how, where, when or what lessons someone else learns. 

Cut the cord and give them the space to learn.

3 - Trusting the Universe’s Plan

The biggest factor in cord cutting is bringing yourself back into divine alignment with trusting the Universe’s Plan. We forget that there is a divine plan for each of us and there are reasons why difficulties pop up on each of our life paths. It’s not to say that we deserve the challenge, it’s to say that we are meant to either learn something, be redirected, or let go of something. 

Your practice of cord cutting needs to include the remembering to trust the Universe’s plan. Something I said to myself and the Universe after I cut the cord in my situation was, “I know there is a plan for both of my friends and I trust that everything is unfolding as it’s meant to, and for the highest good of everyone involved.” 

This statement always allows me to move forward after a cord cutting practice with trust, compassion, kindness and faith. As I shed the layers of my false self through the cord cutting practice, I guide myself back into connection with my soul, my true self. 

Cord cutting is more than just energetically detaching from something that is not supportive. It’s an empowering practice that helps you to learn a lesson, evolve your perspective, and connect with your soul truth. 

I encourage you to grab your journal and reflect on something in your life that you are carrying an unhealthy attachment to.

  • What kind of old patterns do you have that are holding you back?

  • How are you blocking someone else from potentially learning a life lesson?

  • What can you do to come back into a state of trust for the Universe’s plan?

Cord cutting is a divine practice to help you release whatever is not serving you so you can come back into alignment with peace and freedom. 

Are you wanting to learn more about your soul connection? Are you an empath or people pleaser who is wanting to learn more about your energy so you can live in an empowered and peaceful state? 

You need to check out The Soul Care Space

This is my virtual membership community where we focus on honouring our feminine energy so we can trust our intuition, share our nurturing energy with the world, and be the light-beings we came here to be.

Right now you may feel overwhelmed by all the healing, or you feel energetically drained and tired. The Soul Care Space is the supportive and uplifting environment you need to feel at peace with who you are and to feel fulfilled in the life you are creating. 

Join today!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness