Meditation to SURRENDER to the UNIVERSE | VIDEO


Are you stressed out and overwhelmed? This is the guided meditation for you! Surrendering to the Universe is the process of letting go of control, releasing your expectations, and finding peace in this moment.

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I support my clients and community members to strengthen their connection with the Universe in order to trust their intuition and follow their soul path. As humans it can be really easy to forget our spiritual connection and to lead with fear. Part of my focus as a mentor is to create guided accountability for you to feel aligned and empowered in your connection.

The guided meditation I am sharing here is one filled with spiritual healing, connection with the Universe, and a divine frequency that will support you in surrendering to the Universe. You can check it out now if you’d like.

In this blog I am going to share the reasons why this type of meditation is empowering and how it will raise your divine frequency. 

Who is this meditation for

This meditation is for anyone who is awakened on their journey of spiritual enlightenment and is trying to prioritize connecting with the Universe on their path. 

You often receive signs and messages from the Universe in the forms of angel numbers, synchronicities and animal signs. You are working towards manifesting your dream life and you truly wish to embody your soul purpose and flow along your soul path. 

Along your journey you find yourself doubting that your manifestations are happening behind the scenes and you become frustrated when it feels like progress isn’t happening in the way you desire. 

You may even consider yourself a bit of a control freak at times, or at least fearing the unknown and trying to control how the situation unfolds for you. In this process you find yourself overthinking, worrying about the future, and wondering if you’ll ever receive your desires. 

If any of the above statements resonate with you, then you will find this guided meditation extremely beneficial! 

When to use this meditation

Let’s get something straight, the Universe has a Divine Plan for you and your life and when you surrender you are able to flow with life. This guided meditation is meant to help you release pressure, stress and forcefulness so you can connect to purpose, peace, and ease in your life.

There are many different moments that you can use this guided meditation and soak in the benefits it offers. One of the main times in your life this meditation will be beneficial is in your manifestation process.

One of the parts many of us find easy in manifestation is the action part. We are a society built on the hustle mentality, so it’s easy for us to take action when we know which action steps to be taking. 

The hard parts of the manifestation process is waiting for clarity on which actions to take, and allowing ourselves to receive in Divine Timing after we’ve manifested our desires. 

If you find yourself not knowing where to take action, then it’s time for you to surrender to the Universe and allow the guidance to come forward in the right way at the right time. If you’ve already taken action and you are stressing out about whether or not it was the right action, then it’s time for you to surrender to the Universe and allow the energy to flow. 

In both instances you are stuck on a problem and the stress you are carrying is resisting what you truly desire, clarity and abundance. In order to attract what you desire you need to get into the energy of trust, and what better way to do this than surrender to the Universe. 

How this meditation will help you

What does surrendering to the Universe really do and how is it helpful for your spiritual journey?

I wrote a blog all about surrendering to the Universe that you can read here

A simple explanation is that you are made of energy and your manifestation and desires are also made of energy. When your energy is on the same frequency or vibration as your desires, you easily attract those desires into your life. When you carry stress, fear, worry, doubt or pressure you lower the vibration of your energy which creates resistance. This resistant energy doesn’t stop your manifestation from happening, but it does create roadblocks and it slows the entire process down. 

This guided meditation is meant to support you in release the energetic resistance you are carrying so you are able to align with your divine frequency. When you are aligned with your divine frequency you are also aligned with the frequency of your soul desires, this is because your desires were made for you. In this space of alignment you are able to attract your manifestations in divine timing. 

Surrendering to the Universe is not about receiving something immediately. It’s actually about carrying peace in the unfoldment of your soul path. It’s about trusting that everything is happening for the highest good of all involved. It’s about having faith your desires are already yours and the Universe is making sure they come to you in the right way at the right time. 

Ensuring that you are aligned with your divine frequency factors in a lot of different things because your energy and emotions are constantly being influenced by the energy that surrounds you. This is why you can easily become triggered by conversations you have or interactions you experience. 

Especially if you are an empath (which you can learn if you are here) you easily take on the emotions and energy of your environment which can sway your divine frequency into a lower vibration. This of course creates resistance on your path. 

Understanding your energy so you can live from an empowered state of being rather than an exhausted state of being is something I work with all my 1:1 mentoring clients on. You can learn more about it here

Now that you know how this guided meditation will help you to surrender to the Universe, it’s time for you to press play and enjoy it.

Get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to allow this guided spiritual meditation to lead you to a peaceful and calm place.


Take the next step in strengthening your connection with the Universe by joining my Spirit of Air group program. It’s in this supportive space where you will transform into the aligned and enlightened version of you as a spiritual being. Learn more at the button below and join the waitlist for the next run of the program.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness