Meditation to Raise Your Divine Frequency | VIDEO


As an empath and intuitive you know that everything is energy and you are constantly picking up on the low vibrational energy that surrounds you. You believe in the Law of Attraction and you want to embody the high vibrational energy of your Higher Self. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I work with empaths, sensitive souls and intuitives who want to better understand who they are as a Spirit, so they can trust their intuition and feel connected to the Universe. In the Spirit of Air group program I support my clients in understanding their energy and their ego thoughts so they can raise their divine frequency to feel aligned on their soul path. 

The meditation I am sharing today is a great tool for you to use in the journey of raising your divine frequency in order to feel calm, centered and connected to Spirit. Listen to the meditation now if you are ready.

In this blog I will share who will benefit the most from this meditation and why it’s important to practice raising your frequency on a daily basis. 

Who is this meditation for

Understanding the difference between low vibrational energy and emotions versus high vibrational energy and emotions is extremely important for everyone, especially empaths and people pleasers. This meditation is specifically for the empaths and sensitive souls who easily take on the energy and emotions of the people around them and their environment. 

If you are finding that you are often on the verge of an emotional breakdown and you feel extremely unstable in the highs and lows of your emotions, then this meditation can be helpful. At the same time I would encourage you to take the time to learn more about your emotions, which is exactly what I lead my clients through in the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program. If you are unable to create emotional stability for yourself, even as a sensitive soul, then you will find yourself constantly battling the high highs and low lows. 

The moment I began doing the inner work to heal my emotional swings I began to better understand myself and how the world around me was impacting my energy. Building awareness around my triggers has allowed me to carry more compassion for the people around me, without being affected by their experience. 

This meditation is for anyone who notices their energy and emotions shifting and changing and can feel the heavy, harsh feeling of the low vibrational energy.

When to use this meditation

You are going to find this meditation is most helpful when you are in a low frequency of energy and you desire to release that heavy energy and shift into a more peaceful, uplifting and supportive frequency of energy. 

More specifically, you may experience lethargy when there is a Full Moon; after witnessing an argument you feel overwhelmed; when listening to friends or coworkers complain you end up feeling frustrated; and experiencing a confrontational conversation may lead you to feel exhausted. There are so many other situations that could trigger an emotional reaction within you that feels heavy and harsh. These are great times to settle down and listen to this guided meditation. 

Now is a great time for you to reflect on more specific examples in your own life for when you start to feel overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated or angry. Building awareness of these situations will help you to understand when your vibrational frequency shifts. Pay attention to the way you feel because that’s how you know which energetic frequency you are carrying.

How this meditation will help you

Every single person has their own individual divine frequency and when you are connected to your Spirit you can feel this frequency of energy guiding you through life. 

This meditation will help you on the journey of better understanding what your divine frequency feels like. You’ll be able to listen to your intuition more easily in this frequency and you’ll be able to lead yourself from an aligned and centered space, rather than feeling forced or pressured into something. 

The voice of your soul becomes easier to understand when you prioritize connecting with your divine frequency. 

Once you are able to embody your divine frequency you begin attracting everything that is in alignment with your soul path, including blessings, manifestations, abundance, freedom, love and so much more. 

In an energetic understanding, everything that you desire on a soul level actually vibrates at the same frequency as your individual divine frequency. This is why when you feel really good in life it feels as if everything is flowing easily and effortlessly. 

This guided meditation will support and guide you in the process of raising your divine frequency, especially when you find yourself in a low vibrational energy.

Your next step is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to the meditation.


Now is the time to ask yourself, are you ready to really understand your divine frequency as a Spirit and to start living in alignment with your soul path? In the Spirit of Air group program you will learn to prioritize connecting with the Universe in a way that works for your lifestyle, and you will understand how to trust your intuition, and you will feel supported throughout the process.

This is a community of women who truly desire to live an intuitive life while being their authentic divine selves. Learn more about it now to see if it fits with what you are looking for.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness