Meditation to Let Go of Worried Thoughts | VIDEO


Worry is a never ending train of thoughts that keep you filled with fear, doubt and anxiety. Learning to bring awareness and compassion into yourself when worry creeps in is how you shift your energy and find peace once again. Meditation is a great tool to help you change your focus from worry to acceptance. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I work with the empath, people pleaser and sensitive soul who desires to learn more about their energy, thoughts and emotions in order to live a more peaceful and empowered life. Learning to create a supportive atmosphere for yourself is part of the process when letting go of worried thoughts and this is exactly the environment I create in the Meditation Membership space. 

The guided meditation I am sharing with you here will support you in letting go of the worried thoughts you’ve been experiencing lately. You can check out the meditation now if you are ready to. 

In this blog I will share how your worried thoughts can leave you feeling suffocated in life and how this meditation will help you bring more peace and calmness into your life.

Who is this meditation for

Let me ask you, do you find yourself constantly worrying about your future? Maybe you are worried about not having enough money. You could be worried about never falling in love, or your relationship having issues. You may be filled with worry for the safety and health of your family members. 

We all have our own worries, and what the worried thoughts end up doing is keep us focused on fearing the future outcome of our lives and we miss the ability to feel at peace in the present moment. 

Now this meditation is not just for anyone, even though every single person experiences worry in their life. More specially, this meditation is for the person who has become aware of their worried thought patterns. You know you carry worries and you are ready to shift the energy you are carrying and guide yourself back to peace. 

When to use this meditation

This meditation is specifically for the moments that you catch yourself stuck in your worries. Maybe you don’t notice in the moment that the worry has crept in, but hours later you realize you had been worrying for most of the day. You can use this meditation in those moments as well. 

The way I channel spiritual meditations is to help you shift the energy in your body, and the energy is created from your thoughts, emotions and actions. When you have been in a cycle of worry the energy becomes stagnant in your body and keeps you in a stressed out, fearful state. This meditation is meant to be used to help you shift the heavy energy from worry into a more supportive and aligned energy of peace. 

How this meditation will help you

The moment you acknowledge your thoughts and how the worries are making you feel is when you step out of ego and are able to make a conscious choice in how you wish to move forward. The problem once you are aware of the worry is that your conditioned fears and thought patterns are extremely powerful. 

You must choose to go beyond the thought patterns that are unsupportive and unhealthy. How do you do this? Well, you cannot think your way out of worry, because it's like holding your breath. It will suffocate you. 

One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn on my journey, and the lesson I see my clients struggling with the most, is not thinking your way to a solution. Our society has been built on prioritizing logic and rational reasoning so much that we believe solutions, clarity and answers come from thinking. This tends to create patterns of over-thinking and over-analysis. 

In order to feel better and to carry peace you cannot find the solution in your thoughts. Instead, you have to drop from your mind into your heart space and actually feel the emotions and energy that is flowing through you. 

This guided meditation will not provide the answers to your worries, it will actually make you feel calmer because it will shift the energy you are carrying in your body. Once you feel calmer and more relaxed the answers or clarity will find you. The Law of Attraction states exactly this, focus on how you feel first and then you will attract everything aligned with how you feel. Read more about the Law of Attraction in this blog post.

Once you listen to this guided meditation and you tap into the way your body feels, you will be able to let go of the worried thoughts and find a more peaceful feeling to lead you forwards with.

Your next step in releasing the worry is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to this guided meditation. 


I hope this guided meditation has helped you to let go of the energy of your worried thoughts and find peace once again. Make sure to save the video in order to come back to it whenever you need. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness