Meditation for Finding Trust on Your Soul Path | VIDEO


When you have a spiritual awakening and choose to pursue your soul path it can feel daunting at first. This spiritual journey requires you to strengthen your intuition and feel connected to the Universe, which through the process helps you to trust the path you are being led down. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I support sensitive souls and intuitives who desire to feel connected to their inner spirit while following their soul path. The hardest challenge all of my clients face is overcoming the insecurities, self doubt and worry that has been blocking them from living intuitively with trust. In the Spirit of Air Group Program I guide and support my clients through this process so they can hear the voice of their soul and trust the direction the Universe is guiding them in. 

The meditation I am sharing today is the perfect spiritual tool to support you in prioritizing finding trust in yourself, the universe, and your soul path. Listen to the meditation now if you are ready. 

In this blog I will share exactly who this meditation is for, when to use this spiritual meditation and how it will benefit you on your journey of trusting your soul path.

Who is this meditation for

In your spiritual awakening the process awakens a truth within you that you can never go back and un-know. This soul truth brings light into seeing your life from a new set of eyes. Many of us on this spiritual journey see the way that society has told us to live and we feel a sense of resistance in that direction. 

This meditation is for the people who have awakened to their inner truths and are ready to branch out and live life differently from the way they were raised. Some may consider you the black sheep of the family, or maybe you’ve simply felt like you ever fit in completely. Either way, you see the structured life that so many people have chosen as their path, you understand the societal norms to living, and yet you feel called to follow your own path. 

In your journey of choosing to create your own path you tend to feel a lot of self-doubt, insecurities and even worry about your future and the unknown. The low vibrational energy of doubt, worry and fear are keeping you in a state where you are unable to thrive in the way you deserve. 

If any of this resonates with you then this meditation is exactly for you. 

When to use this meditation 

You can actually use this meditation at any time in order to begin strengthening your trust in yourself, the universe and your soul path. More specifically, when you notice your self-doubt creep in you can press play on this spiritual meditation to lead yourself through the practice of cleansing the low vibration energy you are carrying, so you can begin to raise your vibration. 

Raising your vibration is the process of leading yourself into an energy and emotion that feels good to you. When your mind is stuck in the thought process of worry and fearing the unknown, this meditation will support you. In order to trust in yourself and your soul path you need to be filling your mind and heart with supportive and loving self talk. 

How this meditation will help you

Right now you are experiencing an energetic cycle that seems to be keeping you stuck on your path. Your thought patterns of fear, doubt and worry are energetically holding you back from up-leveling and reaching a new cycle of your life. In the process of overcoming these shadow thoughts you need to bring love and light into your mind. 

Think of this meditation as a way to rewire your thought patterns and set the train on a track that will actually take you in a new direction, instead of running in circles keeping you from moving forward. 

Not only will this spiritual meditation encourage you to change your self-talk from one of self-doubt into one of self-love, it will also cleanse any energy you are carrying so you can inspire yourself to pursue your dreams. 

Your intuition is encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone so you can grow through your journey. As you learn and grow you are able to create the life of your dreams while passionately pursuing your purpose. 

This meditation is a support tool that will help you to believe in your intuition and trust the direction it’s leading you in, even when you don’t know where you will end up. The more often you are able to trust and step into the unknown, the more the Universe will deliver opportunities, blessings and abundance on your path. 

Now is the time for you to find trust on your soul path so you can believe in yourself and the direction you are being called in. This meditation is going to support you through the process of following your soul path. 

Your next step is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to the meditation.


Now is the time to ask yourself, are you ready to step forward fully in trusting your soul path and pursuing your dreams? In the Spirit of Air Group Program you will learn to trust your Spirit in the process of strengthening your intuition and connecting with the Universe. This is the program that will take your spiritual journey to the next level. Learn more about the program to see if it’s the right fit for you.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness