How Do You Listen to Your Soul | Pressure versus Purpose | Life Lesson


Your ego keeps you in a fear-based mindset and at the root you live life being afraid for your safety in all moments. Your soul keeps you in a faith-based mindset and at the root you live life being your authentic self, growing and evolving through lessons, and creating fulfillment through your purpose. How do you listen to your soul? How do you know when your ego is controlling you?

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I am on my own growth journey and I support others from the wisdom I’ve gained through my own experiences. I guide my clients and community members to uncover their light, their authentic spirit through the strategies and practices that have helped me do the same. 

The number one way we uncover our true self is by learning the life lessons that are before us. We are all here to learn specific lessons on our journey in order to evolve spiritually. Many of us are learning how to listen to our soul, so we can trust our intuition, pursue our purpose and live a spiritually awakened life. 

In this blog I will share the main life lessons I learned through pressure versus purpose. The takeaway from this life lesson is about how to listen to my soul and live a soul-led life. There are a few questions I am going to answer that helped me to learn the lesson on my own journey.

What is a channeled message from Spirit?

A channeled message from Spirit is when you clairaudiently or clairvoyantly receive soul wisdom that is meant to guide you forwards in life. 

There are many different ways to receive a channeled message from Spirit, and ultimately it is something that you need to carry with you in order to take the next step up the ladder in your spiritual growth. This channeled message is always something that resonates deeply with you and is a ‘game changer’ in your perspective of life.

In January 2022 I channeled a message from Spirit during a self-guided meditation. Originally I believed this message was for the world, and I think it will still have a positive impact on the world around me. The truth of the matter is that my soul knew I needed this message in order to create the growth I was desiring. 

The message I received was, “2022 is for leaving pressure and finding purpose”

For the next 12 months of my life I committed myself to this intention. I knew I wanted to live with less pressure and more purpose in my daily life, and so I began the journey of letting this channeled message guide me through life.

How does pressure affect your life?

Pressure is a fear-based energy and it keeps you stuck in an unsupportive pattern. 

Everything in life is energy, and when you take a moment to acknowledge the energy of pressure you understand that it’s a heavy, low vibrational energy. Whenever you embody a low vibrational energy, whether you’re aware or not, it attracts more low vibrational energy situations. 

For myself, pressure came from a belief that I was conditioned to carry from a young age and that is that action equals money. The more action you take the more money you will make. In my business I began to become overwhelmed by this pressure and my thoughts sounded like, “have I done enough? Have I taken the right action? What if I don’t get it all finished? I’ll never make more money because I don’t have the energy to take action.” This hamster wheel of thoughts was rooted in the vibration of pressure and fear. 

I learned that the reason why leading from pressure is bad is because even after the action is completed, I still don’t feel satisfied or fulfilled. I am stressed and overwhelmed about the next action to take. 

It was time to learn how to leave the energy of pressure and how it was causing resistance in my life and learn how to find purpose. This way my action could be purpose driven, faith-based, rather than pressure driven and fear-based. 

How do you know what your purpose is?

Before understanding what my purpose was, I needed to understand the definition of purpose. To have a purpose is to have a reason for doing something. Another way to view purpose is to see it as your intention behind your action. 

Purpose is your why. Why are you doing what you are doing? 

My journey of finding purpose was not about trying to uncover the singular purpose to my life and my existence. Why am I here? What is my calling? Instead, it was to give a reason to every single action I was to take. If I couldn’t find a good enough reason then I wouldn’t take that action. 


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Back to the blog - How Do You Listen to Your Soul

The process of knowing what my purpose is started from not wanting the old outdated pattern of fear and pressure to lead me in action. I wanted to feel good and enjoy every step I was taking, both in my business and in my personal life. I no longer wanted to feel pressured into something, I wanted to feel like I had a soul-inspiring reason as to why I was choosing to move forward on something. 

In order to find purpose I needed to listen to my soul. 

I didn’t want fear driving my action, so I had to let my Spirit lead me in action. How did I do this? Anytime I felt the energy of pressure trying to force me into action I stopped. I knew that the energy of pressure didn’t feel good and I was working to create a new pattern. In stopping I then sat in stillness, quieted my mind and allowed the voice of my soul to guide me through meditation. This is how I began to uncover my purpose. I wasn’t looking for an answer to the big life purpose, I was looking for clarity on which action steps to take and the reason or soul-led intention for each action step. 

What does the voice of your soul sound like?

In this entire process I learned what the voice of my soul sounds like and I am here to say that it is completely different than what I thought it would be. 

Early on in my business I thought my soul was a “go-getter”. I thought my soul would sound ecstatic and high energy filled with constant inspiration and motivation to accomplish all of the things. 

By finding purpose every single day, while in connection with my Spirit, I learned the voice of my soul was calm, it felt centered and it came from an energy of being rooted in connection with the Universe. The voice of my soul isn’t focused on reaching the next level of life, it’s focused on being in alignment each step of the way. The voice of my soul isn’t fixated on becoming the best, it’s foundation is in nurturing love, kindness, and presence. 

Understanding what the voice of your soul sounds like is about allowing yourself to find the true connection of love that you were created from. It’s not necessarily about trying to “hear” an actual voice, it’s more about noticing how you feel when you cultivate a connection with your Spirit. Uncovering this feeling comes with practice and an intention of choosing to look within yourself. This is exactly what I support my clients through in the Spirit of Air Group Program. Over 12 months we practice connection and uncovering the voice of your soul.

In learning this lesson, how am I moving forward?

I know that my Spirit is leading me forwards in a calm, connected and centered way. I know that my soul purpose is to bring more love, compassion and a safe space into the world. I know that my outdated conditioning is trying to lead me from fear of not being enough and the fear of being judged. This conditioning leads me to feel pressured into action in order to receive approval from those around me. 

Through the soul-gazing work that I’ve moved through I understand the unsupportive pattern of pressure that I am breaking away from and I know what it feels like to be soul-led with purpose. I have learned that when I stop and listen to my soul each step of the way, I uncover the purpose of each step. When I allow myself to energetically align with purpose, I am able to experience the feeling of fulfillment. 

Pressure was all about getting to some end result, which never satisfied me because I was searching for outside approval. 

Purpose is all about knowing how my soul is guiding me in this moment, living with presence, approving myself each step of the way, and allowing that to fulfill me. 

Journal Prompts for You

I’ll leave you with these journal prompts to reflect on:

  • How do you let pressure guide you through life?

  • What are the thoughts you hear when pressure comes forward?

  • How do you desire to feel when taking action on something?

Understanding your energy is only the beginning of living a soul-led life. Knowing how to break away from the unsupportive patterns that have kept you stuck and playing small can change your experience into a fulfilling one. 

In the Spirit of Air Group Program you will not only learn how to listen to the voice of your soul, you will also strengthen your connection to the Universe, trust your intuition, and create a lifestyle that prioritizes a soul-led life. Learn more about the program if this type of life resonates with you. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness