Guided Meditation for Building Awareness | VIDEO


You have taken on the layers of generational trauma and societal conditioning that have created unsupportive behaviours and outdated belief systems in how you live life. All of this has blocked you from feeling connected to who you are as Spirit. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide who works directly with people on their spiritual journey ready to overcome limiting beliefs and past pain, so they can thrive as their true authentic self. In both my 1:1 mentoring program and my group program, I support and guide my clients as they heal the fears and triggers that create resistance on their journey, and they strengthen their connection to the Universe to gain clarity in pursuing their soul purpose. 

The meditation I am sharing today will help you to build awareness around the blocks and resistance that are creating challenges on your path so you are able to find the strength to remove these obstacles. Listen to the meditation now if you are ready.

In this blog I will share exactly who this spiritual meditation is for, the perfect time to use this guided meditation and how it will help you on your spiritual journey.

Who is this meditation for

You are on your spiritual journey and you know the power of healing your past pain, uncovering your fears, and doing the shadow work in order to let go of the limits holding you back from living in a limitless and expansive energy. 

This meditation is for the person who understands the benefits of doing the work in healing, learning and growing in order to become the best version of themself. 

As you pay attention to your thought patterns and your behaviours you have become more aware of what supports you and what is keeping you stuck in a cycle of survival mode, which inevitably doesn’t feel good. Although you journal to uncover awareness and connect the dots on what needs to be healed, sometimes you are unable to clearly see what your next steps are on your growth journey. 

If this resonates with you, then you’ve found yourself in the right place and this spiritual meditation will be a huge benefit for you.

When to use this meditation

Sometimes you know exactly what is creating the block or resistance, whereas other times you can't clearly see where the healing or learning is needed. This meditation is for those times. 

Anytime you are feeling stuck and you are ready to gain more insight on what needs to be healed, released or learnt on your journey, press play on this meditation. 

How this meditation will help you

Now that you understand who this meditation is for and when to use it, you need to better understand how exactly it’s meant to help you on your spiritual journey. 

Building awareness is about better understanding yourself in a deeper way. Knowing how you react to the world around you, which unsupportive thoughts are triggered in certain situations, and how your fears are leading you astray from your soul path. 

Journaling is another great tool to help you connect the dots and build clarity on your growth journey, but sometimes you don't know what to journal about. 

Use this guided meditation to connect to your Spirit in the process of building awareness around the energetic resistance you are carrying. Keep your journal handy in order to reflect on everything that comes forward in the meditation for you.

This meditation is meant to bring clarity to you in a few different ways. After listening to this meditation you may know a memory from your past that is calling on your attention, in which case grab your journal to better understand why this memory has come forward and what it’s trying to tell you.

This meditation may help you to connect the dots on something that you are already trying to heal through, and it can bring clarity into the life lesson this healing is bringing forward. 

This meditation could even bring awareness around which step you are needing to take to move forward in your life. Ultimately, this meditation is guiding you to connect with your Spirit, your Higher Self, so you can gain awareness on a certain aspect of who you are or your life. This awareness will support you on your growth journey. 

Your next step is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to the meditation.


Oftentimes you can find yourself on your spiritual journey and feel completely blank around which step to take next or how to support yourself moving forward. These are the best moments to start working with a Spiritual Mentor. In the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program I will guide and support you through your healing journey so you can feel more connected to your true authentic self and feel empowered in following your soul purpose. If this resonates with you then check out the link below to learn more.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness