Energy Forecast for November 7th - 13th | Intuition & Surrender


Your intuition is guiding you along your path of well-being step by step. You ignore your innate spiritual power when you choose to try and control life, rather than surrender to the Universe. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the Universal Energy to channel an energy forecast for the collective. These energy forecasts are a way to get a glimpse into how the Universe is influencing our individual energy and emotions, so we are prepared to live from a grounded, peaceful and aligned space. 

As empaths and sensitive souls we are easily affected by the energy that surrounds us and it’s important you learn to protect your energy so as not to be triggered by fear. Learn more about protecting your energy and living with more peace in my next FREE live group mentoring session. Subscribe to my email list to receive all the details about the when, where and how of this free event. 

It is the week of Monday, November 7th to Sunday, November 13th 2022 and there is some potent energy surrounding us this week as there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, November 8th. The main energetic theme this week is to trust your intuition even when it feels uncomfortable. The perceived logical direction for you in life is actually rooted in fear right now and you are trying to control your life to gain a certain outcome. 

Challenges may erupt if you try to control your way through life this week. Take a step back, allow yourself to slow down, tap into your spiritual connection with the Universe and be willing to try things differently. 

The Full Moon is a time to surrender to the Universe as energies are heightened. This means that if you are busy taking action, pushing things a certain way and feeling pressured to move quickly, you are not surrendering to the flow of life. In this energy you are allowing outdated belief systems rooted in the hustle mentality to guide your actions from a fear-based point of view. Control is about having a fear of the unknown. Surrendering to the Universe is about trusting the flow of life and choosing to embody peace right now. 

Your intuition is an internal compass, or guidance system, that influences you on a step by step basis focused on your well-being. Oftentimes your intuitive knowing is a feeling you receive, and while it can feel like the right direction for you, your mind will try to convince you as to why it’s the wrong direction. The saying goes, “if it feels right and looks wrong then it’s your intuition; if it looks right and feels wrong then it’s your ego-mind”. 

You have awakened on your spiritual journey. Whether it was 5 years ago, a year ago, or a week ago, you have found yourself open to the understanding that life is bigger than the physical reality you see on a daily basis. You often receive signs and messages from the Universe, you feel a deep connection to Mother Earth, you try to understand the flow of the Moon Cycle. There are many different connections you’ve begun to experience in your relationship with the Universe. 

As the Universal Energy this week travels through the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we are feeling an energetic shake-up all around us. Here are 3 different situations that may unfold for the collective this week. Take a moment and feel into your spirit to determine which situation resonates the most with you. At the same time, know that you cannot control life, so be prepared for any of these situations to unfold this week. 

1 - You have been on your spiritual journey long enough to know what your intuition feels like and you’ve developed a daily lifestyle that prioritizes spiritual connection. Throughout this week you will notice the people in your life experiencing more challenges and you’ll see an upheaval in the world around you. The energy in your environment can easily disturb your peace and it can sway you off course if you are not careful. This Full Moon in Taurus is reminding you to stay grounded in your spiritual truth, place boundaries to protect your energy, and be willing to listen to your intuition if it is guiding you this week to do things differently. Your intuition is trying to steer you clear of certain situations that could cause issues. 

2 - You are reaching a climax in your life where you are ending an old cycle and stepping into the beginning of a new, up-leveled cycle in your life. Your old patterns had you living from a fear-based mindset and over the last year or so you’ve begun to learn how your old behaviours and habits did not serve your desired growth. As the energies around you become amplified from this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse you can easily slip back into your old patterns, trying to control everything while feeling pressured to act quickly. Your intuition cannot be felt when you are moving quickly or you are surrounded by the heightened energy of everyone else. Take some time for yourself every day this week to tap into your spiritual connection and feel the clear and calm guidance of your intuition. You are being guided for your well-being, surrender to this guidance and trust the Universe to support you. 

3 - You are still newly on your healing journey and as much as you’d rather be further along, you cannot rush healing. This week you may notice some perceived “explosions” around you, and the you from last year would’ve immediately felt caught up in the issues and rushed to fix the problem for everyone else. This new version of you has been learning the importance of self-care and so this Full Moon Taurus energy is asking you to slow down and root into the version of you that you desire to become. Do you desire more peace? Then allow yourself to slow down and ask your intuition how you can create a peaceful feeling right now in this moment. Healing does not happen by repeating the behaviours and patterns you’ve always lived from. Healing occurs by acknowledging the situations that trigger your old patterns, and consciously choosing to behave differently this time. 

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a powerful energy and it is going to seemingly cause chaos, but this chaos is actually about how you perceive the situation. If you choose to let the energy of chaos seep into your mind, emotions and spirit then you will feel overwhelmed triggering you to try and grip onto control. If you choose to surrender to the Universe as it shakes up the energy around you, then you will be able to embody peace throughout this situation and you can lead yourself forwards by trusting the guidance of your intuition. 

Journal Prompts

I encourage you to grab your journal at the end of every day and reflect on the day as it unfolded. Ask yourself:

  • What happened today that could’ve been overwhelming (or was overwhelming)?

  • How can I carry peace through this situation?

  • What is my intuition guiding me to remember right now?

  • How do I wish to flow through tomorrow?


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for November 7th - 13th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energy that is influencing us this week, let’s take a deeper look into a Message from the Universe. 

I am using Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards as I tap into my intuitive and clairaudient abilities to decipher the message for the collective. 

The question being asked is, “what energy do we need to carry throughout this week in order to surrender to the Universe?”



“Get ready for big changes.”

Knowing what this week brings, it's important that you set up a few guidelines for yourself in preparation of how you wish to flow through the week. Squirrel is reminding us that there is a massive shift occurring in the world as more and more people experience their spiritual awakening. You are already on your path moving forward one step at a time. 

If you choose to continue to live life in the way you did before, then you will not be witness to your own growth and expansion. In this spiritual journey we are constantly being reminded to shift and adapt, and to be willing to try things differently. The best way we can continue to evolve is to be as prepared as we can be. 

Of course there is so much that is unknown, so we cannot prepare in the concept of knowing what’s coming. What we can do is prepare ourselves with the right self-care practices, and spiritual tools to cultivate an energy of alignment, trust, and peace.

Take some time right now and get clear with yourself on how you can prepare yourself. Does this mean you need to strengthen your ability of feeling your intuition? Does this mean you need to practice meditation more, so as not to be overwhelmed by your mind? Does this mean you need to set boundaries that protect your emotions? Does this mean that you need to say no to some people, so as not to over exhaust yourself?  

There are many different ways we can prepare for the changes that are coming. Go back to the three situations I channeled from the Universe earlier in this energy forecast. Determine which one resonates with you the most. Then journal on some intuitive ideas of how you can prepare to flow through this week with more ease and grace.  

Join my email list here to partake in my next free live group mentoring session that takes place on Tuesday, November 15th 2022. It’s all about how to live with more peace, protecting your energy, and understanding your triggers.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



For the woman who desires to feel connected to the Universe, trust her intuition and understand her soul path.

You know there is more to life then what we see physically around us and you want to strengthen your connection to the Divine Universe.

Join Sydney and a community of spiritually awakened women who are ready to claim their inner power!



Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

Join the Meditation Membership in order to expand your spiritual knowledge and be part of a safe and supportive community focusing on releasing pressure and creating peace.