Energy Forecast for November 28th - December 4th | Love is in the Air


Love is the foundation of your desires and manifestations. Love is the foundation of well-being. Love is the foundation of your growth and healing. Love is the foundation of your true meaning and purpose. Love is the foundation of all. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I take the time to connect with the Universe and interpret the energy that is influencing us each week. As empaths, intuitives and sensitive souls we are easily impacted energetically and emotionally by our environment. Taking the time to understand the energy around us and within us is the key to thriving in life. 

It is the week of Monday, November 28th to Sunday, December 4th 2022 and love is in the air. 

Typically when we hear or see the word love we, in our egoic minds, tend to think of how we will receive love from others. “Will I be falling in love this week? Will I be introduced to my soul mate? Will my spouse/partner be showing me love in all the ways I desire? How will love find me?” In all of these thoughts we are perceiving love as an external source that we desire to experience. 

This week the Universe is making it very clear that many of us are experiencing a problem around receiving love. 

What is the problem?

Your external environment is a reflection of your internal condition. 

This means that whatever you are not receiving outside of you is a direct reflection of whatever you are not giving to yourself within. 

Do you desire to receive more love?

Do you desire to receive love in a specific way?

Do you believe your spouse/partner is not seeing you clearly? Or understanding where you are coming from?

Is your boss or co-worker not compassionate enough for how you desire to be treated?

Are your friends or family not showing up and supporting you in the way you desire to receive support?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then the Universe is trying to set you straight on your path this week. You may notice these situations popping up this week and you may notice that your irritation, frustration, anger and possibly even bitterness is becoming stronger. 

You aren’t receiving love in the way you desire because you haven’t taken the time to acknowledge the love that is within you. 

As a spirit you were created from the energy of love. It is in your true nature to embody love. However, for years you’ve been taught to embody self-doubt, insecurities, self-judgment, and possibly even self-hate. 

You’ve shifted away from your true nature of love, which means you are living from the uneven foundation of shame, guilt, judgment, and disapproval. 

How can you love yourself more?

How can you offer yourself the love you are desiring from others?

How can you change the way you talk to yourself and start sharing more love?

How can you be more kind, compassionate and understanding towards yourself?

If you are desiring more love from those around you, then it all starts with showing up and beginning to offer more love to yourself. 

The Moon Cycle is shifting into the First Quarter Moon phase on Wednesday, November 30th and is influencing all of us to take action from an aligned and intentional space this week. You may notice obstacles appear on your path this week, and the Moon is providing you with the energy to keep moving forward. 

What does this mean for you?

Based on the Moon Cycle, the energy you are naturally embodying this week is the feeling of being driven to move forward. You feel as if you can tackle anything that comes your way. You have a more upbeat and motivated attitude to work on the projects in front of you. 

You’ve probably noticed in your life how sometimes you feel energized and ready to do anything, and sometimes you feel completely drained and unmotivated. There are many different energetic aspects that can affect these two different states of being. The Moon Phases are the most prominent energies that influence you throughout the 28 day cycle.  

While you are feeling energized this week, bring love into your actions.

Here are three key ways you can increase your sense of self-love, helping you to shift away from self-doubt and self-judgment. 

1 - Before you take action on anything, take three deep breaths and state to yourself, “I’m choosing to act on this task with love as my foundation. The energy of love is powerful and it is leading me forwards today.”

2 - After you’ve finished a task, whether big or small, take three deep breaths and state to yourself, “I’m really glad that I was able to complete that task, and I choose to pour love and appreciation into myself right now.”

3 - Use this mantra to strengthen your foundation of love, “The more love I pour into myself, the more love I see in the world around me. I desire to see a world filled with love, and so I will pour more love into myself. My loving nature has a ripple effect on the world around me.”

The Universe is quite clear right now, and that is that we need to create more love in our world. As empaths and lightworkers we have the ability to create love, and spread love in the world. When we show up in this energy our ripple effect is able to raise the vibration of the entire universe. However, you cannot share your empathic gift in an uplifting way if you are not showing yourself love. 

It all starts with you. Be more loving and kind to yourself, and you’ll begin to see the ripple effect this has on your life. 


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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for November 28th - December 4th 2022

Now that you have a better understanding of the Universal Energy that is guiding us this week, let’s see if there is a Message from the Universe for the collective. 

This week I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic oracle cards along with my intuition and clairaudient abilities to decipher the message coming forward. 

The question being asked is, “what is the message we are needing to find the courage and strength to keep moving forward?”



Slow down and look within. 

Often we find ourselves rushing in life to get to some future moment that we believe will be better than right now. This is teaching us that life is not about presence, and we must always see the bad in our current experience. 

Obviously the above statement is false. Life is about presence. We must learn to see the good in our current experience. The only way we can do this is when we choose to slow down and look within. 

You are so afraid of slowing down because you don’t like the sound of your thoughts. 

You are so afraid of slowing down because you don’t want to look within. 

You have cultivated a fear of seeing yourself fully. 

The only way your inner light can ever guide you forwards, is if you are willing to look into the shadow. 

Your courage and strength is an internal energy that you naturally embody. You’ve been hiding the good qualities you carry because you are terrified of looking at the qualities you don’t enjoy about yourself. 

When you numb the heavy emotions, you also numb the uplifting emotions. 

When you ignore the judgmental thoughts, you also ignore the supportive thoughts. 

Stop rushing forwards, because the future does not carry the answer you desire. 

Your soul has all of the wisdom you could ever need to live a life you enjoy. The problem is that you choose to believe the answers, clarity and guidance are always outside of you. Now is the time to slow down and start looking within. 

Through self reflection you will be able to gain more clarity, support and love then you could ever imagine. Sometimes it takes being willing to wade through the hard stuff to see the light. It is worth it, because you are worth it. 

I hope this week’s energy forecast has brought a new perspective into your life around the energy of love and finding courage to look within on your personal growth journey. You are here because you want to live with more joy, more love, more peace, and more fulfillment. It’s all possible for you, as long as you are willing to look within. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



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