Energy Forecast for November 14th - 20th | It's Time to Begin


A spiritual message for everyone who is ready for their lives to feel different. The Universe is here to say it’s time for you to begin. You want change and yet you’ve been waiting for something outside of you to change so then you can feel happier, more peaceful, and as if you are where you need to be. The external change will only occur once you’ve created an internal change. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the Universal Energy for the collective and channel the main messages of how our energy and emotions are being influenced right now. This is a powerful time for the collective, while many of us have already begun the process of creating the change we desire, so many are awakening to the truth that they desire a change. 

The message that is ringing loud and clear right now…

It’s time to begin. 

It is the week of Monday, November 14th to Sunday, November 20th 2022 and the Universal Energy is amplifying everything in our lives right now. What this means is that now you have awakened on your spiritual journey and you are aware that indeed you are a spirit living this human experience, and there is a bigger picture to life & the universe, you have become even  more sensitive to energy and emotions. 

Due to your sensitivities as an empath, people pleaser and awakened spiritual being, you are feeling the amplified energetic effects of the universe. Things that made you frustrated before, are now making you feel angrier and bitter. Things that made you feel overwhelmed before, are now making you feel completely exhausted and drained. 

If you have not been taking care of your energy, you don’t know how to take care of your energy, or you are feeling so overwhelmed energetically that you can’t even imagine adding another thing to your list, this weekly energy forecast is for you! 

The three messages that have come through the Universal Energetic Channel for this week are:

  • Begin

  • Presence

  • Emotional Rollercoaster

Let me lay this out for you clearly so you can walk away from this weekly energy forecast knowing what is required of you through this phase of life. 


The Universe is saying loud and clear that you need to stop waiting for something outside of you to change so you can live the life you dream of. The change needs to come from within and that happens by you choosing to begin doing things differently. 

The Universe always says, ‘you move first and we will show up to reflect your energy’. 


You can arrive at a moment, show up to experience it and still not be present. You haven’t been allowing yourself to live with presence because you don’t like where you currently are and you desire to be somewhere else. The only way for you to arrive at that future moment and be able to fully enjoy it is if you learn to live with presence now. 

Presence is about being able to create an experience right now that feels good, even when you aren’t exactly where you want to be. 

Emotional Rollercoaster

You are in for a ride that most likely won’t be very enjoyable. This emotional rollercoaster of being affected by your own experiences and being triggered by the emotions and experiences of others is necessary right now. The only reason why this experience is necessary is because the Universe wants you to wake up to realize you need to create emotional awareness and learn to carry emotional stability for yourself. 

As an empath if you are constantly taking on the emotions and energy of those around you then you will always be at the mercy of your environment. 

This week the Moon Cycle shifts into the Third Quarter Moon phase on Wednesday, November 16th. The good news from this energetic shift is that you are not being required to take action on what the Universe has shared through this energy forecast. It’s not the time to rush ahead, act quickly and pressure yourself to move forward. If you act now you are coming from a misaligned energy. 

The Third Quarter Moon phase is all about reflection, introspection and releasing. 

Now is the time to grab your journal and reflect on these journal prompts to better understand your energy, and to begin flowing with the Universal Messages that are coming forward. 

  • How have you been feeling?

  • What do you desire to feel?

  • What in your life has been triggering the harsh, heavy feelings?

  • What small things can you start to fill your life with on a daily basis to feel better?

Reflection does not need to be something that you are terrified of because of the answers that may come forward. Reflection needs to be part of your life in order for you to build awareness and to begin making the necessary changes, whether big or small. In these changes you are beginning to create a state of presence in your daily life. Through this presence you are beginning to become more emotionally aware of your experience. As you become more emotionally aware you are then ready to learn the strategies and practices to guard and protect your energy so, as an empath, you are not being affected by your environment. This means that you no longer experience the emotional rollercoaster. 

This is your message from the Universe for this week. Go back to the beginning of this blog and read it all through for a second time so you can see how the messages are connected and how you can start creating the change you desire. 

Once you’ve read through the section above for a second time, then you can keep scrolling down and read the rest of the energy forecast. 


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

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Wanting to trust your intuition?

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Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for November 14th - 20th 2022

Now that you have a better understanding of how the Universal Energy is affecting you this week, let’s take a deeper look into a message from spirit. 

This week I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic oracle cards along with my intuitive and clairaudient abilities to channel a message for the collective. 

The question being asked is, “what do we need to remember as we begin to make empowering changes in our lives?”


Rain - Purification

Your energy has been impacted by your environment for so long that you don’t fully know who you are. 

Throughout your entire life you’ve taken on the conditioned beliefs of society, you’ve carried the emotional pain from your ancestors, and you’ve identified yourself as the box society has placed you in. 

You are not who you’ve always thought you were. 

This can feel scary and overwhelming at first because it means you are awakening to the realization that who you’ve been for the last 15, 30, 45 and even 60 years is not who you truly are. 

 Once you move past the scary and overwhelming feeling, all of a sudden this realization can feel empowering because if you’ve identified with fear, doubt, insecurities and pain, it means that those things are actually not the true you. 

In order for you to begin making empowering changes in your life you need to purify and cleanse your energy. If you make a change from a pressured feeling, then you are making a change from the identity you’ve been taught to carry. If you make a change from a calm, centered and connected feeling, then you are making a change from an empowering space of uncovering the truest version of you. 

You internal identity needs to shift in order for you to co-create the life of your dreams alongside the Universe’s guidance and support. Your internal identity shifts by focusing on the purification that is necessary for you.

Purifying your thoughts. 

Purifying your emotions.

Purifying your choices.

Purifying your actions. 

It is a simple practice that can take time to integrate into a natural behaviour. This is your journey that you are being called on right now. 

Now is your time to step forward fully knowing who you are, why you are here, where you are heading, and how to move forward. Begin. Presence. Purify your energy to overcome the emotional roller-coasters. 

I am hosting a free live mentoring session for the exhausted and over-emotional empath to learn to live with more peace. Join my email list to receive all the details, as it takes place on Tuesday, November 15th 2022, and the replay will only be available for a short period of time. 

I am holding space for you on your journey as you step into your spiritual power and begin to make the changes you’ve desired for so long. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



For the woman who desires to feel connected to the Universe, trust her intuition and understand her soul path.

You know there is more to life then what we see physically around us and you want to strengthen your connection to the Divine Universe.

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