The Cheat Sheet You’ve Been Waiting For For Building a Routine

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All About Staying Regular with Mental & Spiritual Health Practices 

I hate to say it out loud - but I hate routines. That’s right! I’m a fan of change and going with the flow and am not a huge routine person. There are some people who thrive off routines and the same thing day in and day out, but I am not one of those people. So if you are also struggling to keep a routine that works then you do not want to miss what I have to share.

I’m always talking about mental & spiritual health practices and how they are important to keep up with. It’s the same as working out, if you lose track for a few months it can be like starting all over again when you pick it back up. 

How do we stay regular especially when we struggle with routines?

The NUMBER ONE KEY is finding practices you actually enjoy because it is so much harder to build a routine around something you don’t like doing. I will avoid at all costs the tasks that I don’t like.

SECOND is have options to choose from. If I have a list of different practices I can do I feel more spontaneous and less structured which helps my fear of routines. 

THIRD figure out what time of day you have more energy to commit to your mental & spiritual health practices. Personally, in the morning I have more energy, so that’s a great time to go for a walk in nature. In the evenings I am tired from work, so it’s a better time for me to reflect on my day with my journal or release and heal from the day with a meditation & cleansing.

FOURTH build up your library of practices. For instance, if you enjoy meditations don’t just have 1 go to general meditation, you’ll get more out of each meditation if you have several that have a specific theme. Let’s say you enjoy journalling, you should make sure you have a list of journal prompts to use for the days when you don’t know what to write. 

FIFTH be accountable. Yes we don’t like routines, but we know this stuff needs to get done daily. So create a calendar for the month that is strictly focused on checking off when you have completed mental and spiritual health practices each day. I find this really helps me to stay accountable and I feel accomplished and motivated when I get to check it off. Crossing tasks off my to-do list makes me so happy!

Those are my 5 tips for building a routine for your mental & spiritual health practices especially when you are not a routine person like me. 

Next I want to share a few practices that you can add to your growing library.

List of Practices to Choose From

  • Guided meditation

  • Focused breathing exercise

  • Walk in nature

  • Journalling

  • Oracle Card readings

  • Daily affirmations

  • Setting intentions/dreams/goals

  • Writing/Reading inspirational quotes

  • Reading a novel or educational book

  • Listening to a Podcast

  • Reading invocations

This list will help you daily & weekly as you choose your practices. Remember create a list you enjoy, find a time in the day that works for you, and build up your library so those times you get lazy or try to make excuses you have a list of options to choose from.

For example, you meant to get out in nature for a walk earlier, but you had to reschedule it to the evening. Bed time rolls around and you completely forgot about that walk switching times, lucky for you you have a library of meditations to listen to or you can grab your journal and answer a couple prompts from your list. Whatever it is, you are able to commit time to yourself working on your mental & spiritual health because it’s important to you and you planned ahead for times like this.

I don’t want you to all of a sudden get nervous now because you don’t have a library of practices. It was important to me that you didn’t go home empty handed so I’ve put together some of my favourite practices for you to enjoy!

Do you like listening to guided meditations, but need more to add to your library? Check out 2 free ones I created for you to download here

Do you like journalling, but need more examples in order to think outside the box? Check out my free downloadable 21 Day Workbook focused on creating a positive mindset here.

Do you like using daily affirmations, but need to add to your list to choose from? Check out my free downloadable List of Self Love Affirmations here.

I hope this helps you look at your routines a bit differently and allows you to grow your mental & spiritual health practices. 

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