3 Reasons You are Repeating Life Lessons | SOUL PATH


“Why do I feel like I am constantly having to learn the same lesson in life? I feel like I’ve learned this lesson and then another situation happens where I have to learn the lesson again. Is the Universe testing me when the same lesson is placed on my path? Why can’t I learn this lesson?”

Have you had some of these thoughts on your personal growth journey? I’ve been there too. We often feel like we’ve already learned a lesson in life and then a similar challenge comes our way and we have to learn the lesson all over again. I can catch myself sometimes shouting at the Universe saying, “why again? I’ve already been here!”

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author my personal and professional journeys are focused on emotional wellness, healing shadows, deep inner work, and finding our soul’s purpose. The main reason I believe we are all here is to learn lessons in order to advance as a soul. As humans one of the biggest problems we experience when learning life lessons is that we are forgetful. 

There are three main reasons why you feel like you are constantly repeating lessons in life and I am going to break it down for you in this blog. 

1 You haven’t fully learned the lesson yet.

When we find ourselves in a phase of life where it feels like we are repeating the same challenge over and over again it’s because the Universe wants us to expand and learn a key lesson for our soul’s growth. 

We all have different lessons to learn, sometimes they are quite similar to someone else’s lesson, but we need to learn them in our own way. I’ve recognized that you don’t learn the lesson until you are actually ready to learn it. This means that throughout your life you are being prepared to learn the lesson at the right time. 

I hate to break it to you, but you will never learn a lesson during a successful moment in life. We always learn lessons during the hardest challenges. 

It takes a while to actually learn a lesson in life, meaning we can repeat the same situation over and over again until we finally realize there is something to learn. This is the typical pattern we experience in learning life lessons. We feel like we are thrown into a challenge or problem and the same issues keep happening. Often we blame everything outside of us, we ignore the problem, and we deny our part in the challenge. Then one day we wake up and say to ourselves, “oohhhhh, now I see”. 

It’s almost as if we need to hit our faces against a brick wall a few times before we actually realize it’s a brick wall. Then the lesson becomes clear and we feel ready to move forward.

Which brings us to the next step in learning life lessons and the second reason why you feel like you are repeating lessons all the time. 


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Back to the blog - 3 Reasons You are Repeating Life Lessons

2 You’ve forgotten the lesson you’ve learned. 

The day you finally woke up to the lesson you probably felt so excited because you actually took a step forward in a fresh direction rather than constantly walking in circles. You are all proud of yourself for the growth you’ve made and you feel ready to conquer your dreams. 

A few months later (or any amount of time because we all live different lives) a challenge appears on your path and you seem to think, “this again, I’ve already moved through this”. 

At the beginning stages of my personal growth journey a lot of my lessons were centered around emotional wellness. I am a sensitive person and an empath so I am always picking up on everyone else’s emotions and energy. This means that when I am stuck in a challenge or witnessing someone else in a challenge all of my energy shifts into feeling drained and the tears start rolling down my face. It was exhausting having to repeat lessons over and over again because I felt like each one was sucking my energy levels dry. When this would happen I immediately would think that the Universe was testing me to see if I actually learned the lesson. 

These moments are not actually tests to see if you learned the lesson, they are simply part of your journey to prove to yourself that you’ve grown. You are probably thinking “I don’t need to prove anything to myself. Why do I have to experience these challenges?” I wish I had an in-depth answer, but all I can say is it’s part of this human life. You could keep avoiding the lesson, which would only bring stagnation into your life. If you are on your personal growth journey then you are most likely wanting to advance the life you are living. This means you are willing to learn lessons, expand your perception of life, and bring new experiences forward. 

So, why is your life situation bringing the same exact lesson forward again? You’ve simply forgotten. When we learn a lesson in life it’s not simply about saying “oh that makes sense” and then moving forward in the same way you always have. The life lesson is usually saying you need to change your behaviour, habit, belief, or involvement in a situation. Basically life lessons are about gaining wisdom so you can overcome a similar challenge much easier the next time around. 

When the challenge comes forward if you find yourself falling back into your old ways it’s a time to acknowledge, “oh I’ve forgotten the lesson”. It’s not a space to judge yourself or judge your path. Forgetting the lesson is something we all experience and it’s part of the cycle of learning. The moment you remember, congratulate yourself and choose to move forward once again. 

Which brings us to the final step in learning lessons and the third reason why you feel like you are constantly repeating life lessons.

3 You have to integrate and embody the lesson.

The next time the challenge comes back around you sometimes forget again, which keeps you in the second reason. Again, don’t blame or shame yourself because that’s not helpful. Simply acknowledge where you find yourself in this moment and say to yourself, “okay, how can I move forward with the lesson I’ve learned?”

Once we’ve learned the lesson fully, and we’ve moved through the forgetful phase, we continue to experience challenges and problems not for any other reason than to truly integrate and embody the lesson learned. It takes a long time for us as humans to embody a new behavior or belief, it’s not a flip of the switch. We are creatures of habit and we like it when life is easy. This means we often find ourselves stuck in the same situations because it takes commitment, courage and conscious choice to actually embody something different. 

So, when you find the same challenge coming forward and you are thinking “this lesson again”, it’s time to ask yourself “how am I not integrating this lesson fully?”

The process of learning a life lesson is a cycle, it takes time and energy to fully embody a new lesson. As soul’s we are here to gain more wisdom each step of the way, it’s why your life lessons may be different than my life lessons. 

Each new challenge or difficulty is an opportunity for you to learn something, re-learn something, or embody a new way of doing things. 

I hope this brings more insight into your personal growth journey and how you can continue to support yourself each step of the way!

Don’t forget to check out some of my other blog posts to continue to receive support for your journey. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness