Slow & Steady versus Rushed & Forced | Soul Healing Journey Entry 7


A moment of self-reflection on a morning where I feel my body telling me to GO SLOW. When my body needs rest or slow movement it’s easy for my ego-mind to create pressure filled thoughts reminding me of all that needs to be accomplished. It’s always in these moments where I know, rather than rushing into action, the best thing for me is to sit in stillness and understand what my Spirit is trying to say. When I journal I not only become aware of my shadow self and am able to lead myself through emotional healing, but I can better understand the Divine Universe and how I’m being guided spiritually on my soul path.

This is one of my most recent journal reflections.

Journal Entry from April 25th 2022

I take a look back at the last 4 months and instantly I know what makes them different from the previous 4 years. I purposely chose to slow down and act only with purposeful intent. 

I have become less afraid of my fears and the pain they induce. 

I have found a spiritual power that lies deeply within me and it gives me the courage to face my fears, to feel through the pain, and to heal the resistance I am carrying. 

This spiritual power guides me to remember that my faith in love is always stronger than my fear of pain. 

At the beginning of the year my Higher Self gave me a clear message for my year ahead - leave pressure and find purpose - I have taken this message to heart and I am so proud of myself for staying committed to this process. 

This morning I did a meditation, as I do almost every morning, and I watched myself as if I was a tree. It was clearly spring season, but the weather wasn’t shifting to the consistent warmth of summer as we always hope it will. Spring is a time where the weather flops back and forth between summer-like temperatures, winter weather patterns, and the in-between of spring rains and mild temperatures. As I tree I could see why these spring patterns are so important. I wouldn’t be able to properly produce healthy leaves if Mother Earth jumped to the extremes of summer from winter. This back and forth in weather patterns allows the ground to slowly wake from its hibernating state, which allows me, as a tree, to slowly wake up internally. 

There is a lot of growth that needs to occur internally for a tree before it’s ready to sprout new leaves for the year. From the outside it may look like nothing is happening, but deep within the tree is going through a transformative phase as it prepares for a healthy season of growth. 


When I watch Mother Earth I become connected to the spiritual power that flows through all of us. This is magic in it’s purest form. Slow & steady, yet accomplished.


This is the message my spirit is relaying to me right now. 

Don’t rush into action.

Are there a lot of tasks on your to-do list currently? Yes, but that doesn’t mean that if you rush to finish them everything will work out as you desire.

You must be patient.

You must be willing to plan with purpose and intention.

My spirit is reminding me to look at where I want to go long term, and to determine a few key steps that will lead me there. Knowing the steps may shift and evolve as I begin to move down the path, having an idea of what the steps may entail will only be beneficial for me now.

In the past, especially in regards to my business, I would have an idea and then feel like I need to do everything to make it happen now. I would rush into action, pressure myself to move quickly, and then I would never reach the results I desired. This is because I always came from a misaligned space of pressure, forcefulness and a focus on the result. 

Now, I am learning how to find solitude and stillness with my idea in order to feel through it spiritually rather than logically. When I sit with my idea as if it were a friend, I get to see it from different angles, I get to feel through the energy of the idea, and I get to know if it’s aligned with my spirit. Once I’ve taken the time to sit and connect with the energy of the idea, then I can take a look into the future and see how this idea will support my purpose here in this lifetime. I get to feel through the excitement of creating this idea into reality. If there is any stress, overwhelm, or pressure around the creation of this idea when looking into the future, then I know it’s actually not in alignment with me right now. 

After sitting with the idea, then looking into the future to feel through the creation of the idea, I then get to determine which steps are necessary for me right now to start the creation process. This is where I call on my Divine Team. I could sit and logically try to decipher the best steps, but ultimately I know my Divine Team and the Universe will always guide me to the best step for me and this specific idea. It’s a waste of my time and energy to sit and logically understand my soul’s creation of something. 

I am the tree. 

I am growing internally right now, working with the energy of the Divine Universe in order to prepare for massive external growth. 

I am allowing my actions to be with purpose. 

When I feel pressure creep forward, I remind myself to slow down and find stillness. 

I choose to connect with Spirit and flow with the Universe. 

Things are moving a lot slower than I thought they would. The best thing though, I am not worried, I am not pressuring myself to quicken the pace, and I am not judging myself for where I am on the journey. 

Moving slower allows me to be witness to where I am carrying resistance. Once I feel the block I am able to heal the pattern, belief or habit, so I can connect to the limitless energy of my Spirit. When I feel this connection I know everything flows with more ease and grace. 

Slow and steady, experiences life with more fullness.
Rushed and forced, leads to burn out and exhaustion.
— Message from Spirit channeled by Sydney Smith

My Spirit is always reminding me to live slow and steady, for the only moment that matters is now.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness