Cycle of Life, the Moon & the Seasons

cycle of life, the moon and the seasons

We are surrounded by cycles in life, yet the majority of us think of life as linear.

This linear mindset sees a path in which we should follow and when we step out of line we feel like we end up doing things wrong. The moments that life shifts us backwards we begin to experience limiting beliefs; for it is in those moments that we think less of ourselves because we are not moving forwards. This is when we begin to create a negative headspace surrounding all our actions, decisions, and emotions at that stage of our life.

What if I told you there was a better way? An easier way? A way to life where we can honour ourselves when we need to step back, when we need to take a break and when we are ready to move forward once again.

Life is Cyclical. That’s right. Just as the world was discovered as a sphere, and not a flat object, we need to recognize that life moves in a circle and not a straight line. The Moon has a cycle of 28 days and we experience this each month. The Moon teaches us that each phase is just as important as the next, whether it is full or new, and we can appreciate each phase in a different way. When I step outside during Full Moon I love witnessing how it lights up the sky and I feel like I can see so much more in the night; whereas during the New Moon I love seeing all the stars that are able to shine bright when the moon is at it’s darkest.

We also experience a cyclical pattern each year with the seasons. Spring teaches us of rebirth, summer shows us the beauty of the light, fall reminds us to let go in order to grow, and winter says it’s ok to take time to rest and heal in the darkness that surrounds us. We experience each season every year, and continue to follow this cyclical pattern throughout our entire lives.

So why, if we see the beauty of the cycles that surround us, do we feel like we need to move in a linear pattern?

We need to move away from the idea that life is like a ladder that we are climbing up. Because in this idea when we step down a few rungs we see failure, we start comparing our height on the ladder with those who surround us. We only see growth when we are moving up the ladder, rather than seeing growth with each phase of life.

The cyclical pattern allows us to grow in each phase no matter what direction we are heading. There is less of a comparative viewpoint that brings forward negative, limiting beliefs, and more of an understanding that we can find grace, peace, and confidence as we move through each phase in the cycle. We are open to honouring ourselves when we need to rest and heal, with the knowing that we will grow and learn through our healing process, allowing us to be ready for the next phase of setting our dreams, then taking action.

Stop allowing the linear viewpoint from holding you back in your growth, healing, and learning of each phase of life.

Be open to honouring yourself through each phase you experience, for it is in the difficult times that we can learn more about ourselves, gaining the confidence to grow through the changes we are experiencing. Connecting to the Moon and the Seasons will allow you to learn more about your phases of life, honouring your growth, remembering to release, rest and heal, all the while stepping forward in your dreams and feeling supported to take action.

How do we continue to connect to the seasons and the moon while integrating their energy into our lives?

I connect to the Moon by following the cycle and recognizing each phase it is in and how each phase can affect me energetically. I honour the Moon by having ceremonies during New and Full phase in order to integrate it’s healing energy mind, body and spirit.

I connect to the seasons by understanding what each season means to me and honouring myself as I feel through each season. I take part in a ceremony with each Equinox (spring and fall) and Solstice (summer and winter) again to integrate the healing energy mind, body and spirit.

In taking part in these different ceremonies with each important phase I am able to honour myself through that phase, bringing myself to a place of peace and calm, while balancing mind, body and spirit.

Are you interested in learning more about the Moon Cycle and integrating the powerful energy of the seasons into your life?

Check out my Moon Cycle & Equinox/Solstice Workshop here. Every season I offer a workshop and ceremony to help you move into the next season of life. You will learn how to honour yourself by transitioning into each phase with grace, confidence and healing.

Start supporting yourself through life right now by connecting to the cyclical pattern and honouring each phase you experience.

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